who is the best KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on edf


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Hes going to do that thing again where he gets exposed for having no knowledge of what hes trying to argue about, disappear for 2 days then come back without acknowledging it and act as if none of it ever happened
You have still not shown a shred of evidence to your claim.

Because there is none. You do this all the time. You make a claim and cant back it up then propagate lies which paint you as the victim and or correct. You count on mob rule to side with uou. That doesnt make you right, just popular.
You are disproving your claim that ToB are Canaanites. Look at the map bro.

You have still not shown a shred of evidence to your claim.

Because there is none. You do this all the time. You make a claim and cant back it up then propagate lies which paint you as the victim and or correct. You count on mob rule to side with uou. That doesnt make you right, just popular.
I said Benjamin is a cananite name and the people of israel were direct descendants of the canaanites

Benjamin was a Canaanite, born in Canaan, child of a Canaanite

In regards to the map of israel, its crazy that you claim to have served in the military in some form but don't understand scale, as what you are claiming to view as a non-overlap of the traditional land of canaan, and the tribe of benjaminites, an issue unrelated to the conversation btw, is within a 50 mile area, and you can walk from one side of canaan to the other in a day

You know youre a retard though, because it took you over a day and a half to respond , even though i know you logged in yesterday to read this and try to formulate a reply where you twist the conversation rather that just admitting "im sorry im wrong i didnt even bother reading the wikipedia article i tried using in my argument against you which disproved what i was saying in literally the first paragraph, and i dont understand what scale is on a map"

I will accept your apology though, maybe you should try having the absolute minimum knowledge of a subject before trying to argue about it purely on the grounds that you dont know how to admit you are incorrect
I said Benjamin is a cananite name and the people of israel were direct descendants of the canaanites
No. and you provided nothing to prove so. As usual you state, therefore it's true. Not how it works.
Benjamin was a Canaanite, born in Canaan, child of a Canaanite
No. The map clearly outlines the territory in question.
In regards to the map of israel, its crazy that you claim to have served in the military in some form but don't understand scale, as what you are claiming to view as a non-overlap of the traditional land of canaan, and the tribe of benjaminites, an issue unrelated to the conversation btw, is within a 50 mile area, and you can walk from one side of canaan to the other in a day
And now the personal attacks. LOL same old Chris same old fucktardary.
"within a 50 mile area,"
The first jews were nomadic. It is possible that Ben was born within the borders of Cannan, however since they didn't reside there and being a citizen based on where you're born is a very modern concept, and to this day in many nations is not accepted.

The point is relevant because it pertains to the culture and residency of the Bennies.

Distance and area are red herrings. A person of Aztec genealogy is not Aztec or even Mexican if they were born in El Paso, Texas.

You know youre a retard though, because it took you over a day and a half to respond , even though i know you logged in yesterday to read this and try to formulate a reply where you twist the conversation rather that just admitting "im sorry im wrong i didnt even bother reading the wikipedia article i tried using in my argument against you which disproved what i was saying in literally the first paragraph, and i dont understand what scale is on a map"
I never met someone so adamant on using time zone differences as a major point in their argument. This fucktardary reflects more on you, and your baseless argument and is a tell tale sign of someone not knowing what they are talking about. Obfuscation is a common tactic employed. Your statement above is a textbook example.

What is really weird is you posting proof that the Bennies were one of the 12 tribes. If you look at the list of the twelve tribes there is no tribe of Canaan. To make the stunning leap to say that Bennies WERE Canaanites because they were living or roaming in the general area is mindnumbing. But classic LIC trolling. This is the time where you admit you're doing this for the lulz like when you going on about Hawk Tuah Harris.
No. and you provided nothing to prove so. As usual you state, therefore it's true. Not how it works.

What is really weird is you posting proof that the Bennies were one of the 12 tribes. If you look at the list of the twelve tribes there is no tribe of Canaan. To make the stunning leap to say that Bennies WERE Canaanites because they were living or roaming in the general area is mindnumbing.

The Israelites were the descendants of the canaanites. Why are you arguing
are canaanites a type of ninja turtle

The Israelites were the descendants of the canaanites. Why are you arguing

BUT, to say someone who is born of a land yet practices a different culture and has a vastly different belief and motivation, one cannot accurately say that person is of that nation or culture. You stated something similar when discussing your wife.

BUT, to say someone who is born of a land yet practices a different culture and has a vastly different belief and motivation, one cannot accurately say that person is of that nation or culture. You stated something similar when discussing your wife.
Lastly to say someone who descended from a culture, philosophy and practices something different is the same because genealogy, is false. Christ was a jew, however, his followers were Christian. Christians are not jews.
Why are you still going

Lastly to say someone who descended from a culture, philosophy and practices something different is the same because genealogy, is false
I said Benjamin is a canaanite name, and that the israelites are the direct descendents from the canaanites

BUT, to say someone who is born of a land yet practices a different culture and has a vastly different belief and motivation, one cannot accurately say that person is of that nation or culture.
Benjamin was a canaanite that lived 400 years before the 12 tribes of israel were formed
Benjamin was a canaanite that lived 400 years before the 12 tribes of israel were formed
How can that be since Bennie was the leader of the Bennies?
And the Bennies fought the Cannanites with the other I FUCK KIDSz?
and all were nearly destroyed by a couple of typical I FUCK KIDSs abducted another I FUCK KIDS's favorite hooker and gang raped her to death.

In natural I FUCK KIDS fashion after all most of the bennies were made good I FUCK KIDSs the other I FUCK KIDSs forgave them, held a party and let the Bennies literally abduct and rape women into their wives. The exact same actions which kicked off the I FUCK KIDS war.

How do you not understand when one differs with a philosophy and social norms, that person is no longer a member of his previous culture and social group.
only jews say "I FUCK KIDSz" btw
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