This is clearly a rigged question. While the laymen might think Linus Tech Tips, with his size advantage and technological know-how, could easily defeat spongebob, this scenario doesn't take into account the environment in which they fight. If perhaps, Linus were to confront spongebob under the sea, he would need a respirator device which would put him at an immediate disadvantage. We also must ask if Spongebob in this scenario is still a cartoon, or if he is as close to a realistic manifestation of Spongebob as we could get, if he were to be a Cartoon, he would not bend to our understood laws of physics. If he were to be a "realistic" depiction of spongebob, he could be as small as Linus's hand.
Usually Ben, when you make these threads, I do not even bother glancing at them as they are such a monumental waste of time I can't even muster a few seconds of my short existence on earth to dignify them, but this is clearly an important question. I eagerly await other user's responses and rebuttals.