all women like wineI don't like wine.
you have to mash 'em up into a fine pulp and shove 'em in a barrel for a few years?all women are like wine
FIFYall women like to whine
Nopeall women like wine
How the fuck would you know?
okay fine, some women do not like wineNope
okay fine, some women do not like wine
but all lolis do
also: holy shit Higurashi Gou, total LifeFuel
It's yellow.
Blame the guy that named it first. Or at least that's what some would do if they bitched about everything.Why do we call white people white when they are pink?
Black tea black when it's red? What about white tea and white coffee?
Yellow and Orange stars when all main sequence stars are bright white?
Good grief, the ancients were sometimes very stupid. And why could they never draw or paint a human being to actually look human?tl;dw it's like i said earlier, before colours became a thing in languages things were described as either dark/black or bright/white
Maybe they were weebsGood grief, the ancients were sometimes very stupid. And why could they never draw or paint a human being to actually look human?