A Fucking Box Dramacrat nope.avi Putin Greece Fez Medal Real Metal Medal EDF2 Survivor Jun 28, 2020 #2 That's why they're lame
Phelan Ediot Jun 28, 2020 #3 do you have proofs of this? do you got the statistics to back up your claims?
SK2.0 Dramacrat Metalhead Anti-Communist Prussian Bud Aficionado EDF2 Survivor Number 1 Jun 28, 2020 #4 Nah, the women just retaliate against their foes by making snide remarks about their hair or not fucking them.
Nah, the women just retaliate against their foes by making snide remarks about their hair or not fucking them.
TinFoilHatGuy ॓_॔ Jun 28, 2020 #5 *Tony Montana voice* The ONLY THING THAT GIVES ORDERS IN THIS WORLD IS BALLS!!!