Rubbish.Well,... I totally agree with that too.
There are alot af jobs "especially in the mental health field" that females can usually do alot better at than men.
It's all about matching your personal skill set and what your best at. Every situation and person is different, and has different skill level.
Also from my experience, females make great doctors and nurses as well. And we absolutely need as many of those as we can get. Especially white females.
Anything that involves hardcore viloence as a job description should be left to men is all I'm saying. Females are not geneticly built for hardcore life or death viloence.
They did not evolve that way.
They have a completely different skill set.
All I'm saying is they are good at different things than men, and need to work in those fields for maximum results for happy life.
Policing is not about hard-core violence nor should it be, treating it as such encourages more violence, because fuck it - why should you give yourself up when that means you get executed by mouthbreathing pillocks?
Maybe the army needs more females.
I saw my share of psychopaths amongst officers and NCOs when I was in the army, who'd happily gloriously sacrifice grunts for their amusement. Having more people around who'd question the order to firebomb a nursery because some jew said there are terrorists beneath it would certainly lead to fewer war crimes.