Not necessarily. Don't know you well enough to form an opinion on you, man. Neutral for now. But you seem pretty chill
I knew him since early 2022, he is probably the biggest faggot ive ever met. He has been banned on the wiki and the forums several times. Edit:he's been unbanned after being banned on the forums several times as well.
Yeah, honestly wishing i didn't at the same time but it's funny watching random forum users quarrel over whether the nazi white girl or the latina girl who posts about guitars looks better. Never though i'd see that happen
Yeah, viril is known for printing pictures of ed users then "faking cum tributes" by putting hand sanitizer on the faces of edf pictures he probably printed at the library.
Yeah, honestly wishing i didn't at the same time but it's funny watching random forum users quarrel over whether the nazi white girl or the latina girl who posts about guitars looks better. Never though i'd see that happen
i wish maggot was still here he'd be in your dms the second you posted the pic and already have all social media of the girl in the pictures through his mystical hispano-arabic magic
Is this not your corny ass LOL
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