You bitches just hate each other because you do the same thing (post bad photos) but present them and yourselves differently. It seems unnecessary to me because you both look like faggots who couldn't take a half decent photo if their life depended on it. More similar than different.
Lulziez is sexy


tldr: “lulziez you are just so God darn beautiful all the time!”
You bitches just hate each other because you do the same thing (post bad photos) but present them and yourselves differently. It seems unnecessary to me because you both look like faggots who couldn't take a half decent photo if their life depended on it. More similar than different.
i dont hate anyone. im just really funny and hilarious (lulziez, if you will)
I do not.
proof or gtfo
View attachment 29367
+you clearly think you need some?

View attachment 29368
+tattoos pretty “liberal”, no?
+dont think i forgot you glued on piercings

View attachment 29369
+you can’t get bullied into having a good heart

+this is your entire existence on this site and you thrive off of it
+get off the mass shooter obsession larp its cringe.
you dont go after another girls pinterest this is just rude
Being half Jewish isn't that bad, or is it?
It's terrible. It's knowing that judism is the root of all evil in the world, and saying it. Therefore you're hated by everyone. Mitigating factor: jews hate me because i'm not a real jew - which I'm not. Limbo.
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