You people need to fuck off

Shit Poster

Vegeta what’s the scouter say on his power level



EDF2 Survivor
naw, let me tell ya boy. buck breakin's been in the family for many a generation. my pa was the best buck breaker this'n side o' the mississippi. he'n broke many a buck in his day, let me tell ya. my grandpappy was also a darned fine wrangler as well. granpaps was known for teachin' the texans o' the best ways to be breakin' their uppity bucks. granpaps once tol' me that the bucks in that thar alamo can get to bein' real ornery if'n miss a good breakin'. my great grandpappy was a real legend. he had on him one o' the biggest and strongest buck breakers known to the south. nary did he undo his belt buckle a'fore the poor black buck be on his knees with them big ol' crocodile tears runnin' down them black cheeks.

yessirree, i got me some real breakin' pedigree 'n got me some real big britches to fill as well.
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