Your OldEDF Pics Here

Call Me Tim

I see the Survivor tag in her... his... its profile

Who was in the old EDF? I have no idea
The survivor tag is because "s"he was in the version of EDF just before it was run into the ground by PedoClip. (about 3 years ago) Then for some mindboggling reason, probably drugs, @umkemesik decided to give PedoClip Admin rights which Pedoclip immediately began executing his scheme of wresting EDF v. 4.5? from UMK. Then he attempted to buy the EDF trademark. This ingenious and dastardly plan was thwarted by him falling short financially -- literally 75 USD. See the Wiki page.

Quence has of course brought along "her" audience of haters. All of which I suspect are socks of her own making; I guess to keep "her" relevant." All except for @Gut Pile which may be the most glaring example of closeted trannie lust there is.


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
The survivor tag is because "s"he was in the version of EDF just before it was run into the ground by PedoClip. (about 3 years ago)
1. that was zaiger
2. quence and the rest of the redboard gang wasn't here until summer '19

Call Me Tim

Pedoclip was admin.
I said about three years. Exact dates of EDF drama is not important to me or any other person that is not suffering from genetic disease/mutation.


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
Pedoclip was admin.
I said about three years. Exact dates of EDF drama is not important to me or any other person that is not suffering from genetic disease/mutation.
nigger it was right in the middle of COVID

Call Me Tim

nigger it was right in the middle of COVID
Exact dates of EDF drama is not important to me or any other person that is not suffering from genetic disease/mutation.
22-19 is two.
Pedoclip ran VirginEDF well before Covid.

I mean if you're that autistic look up the posts and note the fucking dates. I'm going off an estimation and I'm pretty sure my estimation is closer to the actual date than your autistic screeching, Mr. "oh my fucking high IQ."


Why not upload the pics that were obtained via a collection of dox, and going through the attachment browser in the admin cp and saving every image people uploaded in their pm's? Good question
I didn't know what he meant by endsentens backups


Fuck me, that one was a rollercoaster of poopoo :D oh the memories
I ran into him on some other forum back in 12 or 13 when he was breaking into abandoned houses and stripping the copper out of wire for money :awesome:

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