Negro kids riot at Memphis Putt-Putt Fun Center.
Around Blacks, Never Relax
Around Blacks, Never Relax
If it is so practical, SuzyHomemaker, then sellit to the legislative bodies of the United States, Mexico, Columbia, Peru, and Bolivia.It's not hate, rather I consider it being practical.
Thank you for your input. Your suggestions will be taken under consideration.If it is so practical, SuzyHomemaker, then sellit to the legislative bodies of the United States, Mexico, Columbia, Peru, and Bolivia.
And while you're at it get the CCP to stop with all the mega-meth-precursor shipments. Oh and tell them to stop sending over fentanyl a ton at a time. If you have never done drugs, you don't even know why you hate them, they are just a pain in your wallet
You can be addicted to literally anything.Simple Solution: Kill the druggies or put 'em in prison/chain gangs for life. That includes people who use the evil weed.
There is no such thing as 'addiction'. There are only choices. Everyone in America has the freedom to choose whether or not to consume drugs. If you're using drugs, you can CHOOSE to stop using them. Why should non-druggies be forced to pay for the treatment and housing of these morons who CHOOSE to use drugs and then CHOOSE to keep using drugs? F them.
Quence I dont think you understand the impact chemicals/drugs can have on your brain. If you give crack cocaine to the most straight laced , prudish christian preacher it will rewire his dopamine system into making him temporarily wanting more of the crack. These drugs affect your limbic system and nucleus accumbens strongly. The nucleus accumbens is the reward center in your brain and will never forget how good(how stimulated it was) when you did drugs. Once people get hooked on opiates or cocaine or whatever its hard for them to stop, especially if they have less experience with the drug.Simple Solution: Kill the druggies or put 'em in prison/chain gangs for life. That includes people who use the evil weed.
There is no such thing as 'addiction'. There are only choices. Everyone in America has the freedom to choose whether or not to consume drugs. If you're using drugs, you can CHOOSE to stop using them. Why should non-druggies be forced to pay for the treatment and housing of these morons who CHOOSE to use drugs and then CHOOSE to keep using drugs? F them.
Nonsense. You’re speaking about momentary negative physical consequences arising from the cessation of drug consumption. Although such effects can be unpleasant, they can be overcome with persistence and willpower. At his or her core, every druggie understands this.You can be addicted to literally anything.
Drugs/booze replace the natural chemicals of the endocrine system. You would know that if you weren't such an idiot. Once the body "learns" that it doesn't need to make the natural chemicals, the body stops making them, and to start making them again is sometimes impossible or the body learns that the introduced chemicals are more potent or more efficient. The sudden absence of them can cause psychosis, or death.
All of this has been medically and scientifically documented. Thousands of times.
Quence what should we do with a drug addict that can keep it together(Im not one of them), like a doctor that sneaks some morphine every now and then or defence lawyers that get paid in cocaine? Should they be" Killed the druggies or put 'em in prison/chain gangs for life " because most of them are probaly much more succesful than you and contribute more to their societies .Nonsense. You’re speaking about momentary negative physical consequences arising from the cessation of drug consumption. Although such effects can be unpleasant, they can be overcome with persistence and willpower. At his or her core, every druggie understands this.
But then along comes a bleeding heart moron who tells the druggie “it’s not their fault” or “you have an addiction which is an illness” and the druggie escapes the personal responsibility for their actions. It is a loathsome thing to be so dishonest about druggies.
The ‘science’ is bad science. There is no such thing as addiction. Like any compound entered into the human body, there will be a reaction, but ANYONE can choose to stop using drugs.Quence I dont think you understand the impact chemicals/drugs can have on your brain. If you give crack cocaine to the most straight laced , prudish christian preacher it will rewire his dopamine system into making him temporarily wanting more of the crack. These drugs affect your limbic system and nucleus accumbens strongly. The nucleus accumbens is the reward center in your brain and will never forget how good(how stimulated it was) when you did drugs. Once people get hooked on opiates or cocaine or whatever its hard for them to stop, especially if they have less experience with the drug.
Addiction is a mental illness.
I can’t believe I watched that whole thing and I actually laughed a few times even though the language used was much too vulgar for me.
All druggies harm other people in a variety of ways. When combatting the scourge of drug use, no quarter can be given. There must be equal justice under the law and therefore no title shall exempt a druggie from the full force of the law.Quence what should we do with a drug addict that can keep it together(Im not one of them), like a doctor that sneaks some morphine every now and then or defence lawyers that get paid in cocaine? Should they be" Killed the druggies or put 'em in prison/chain gangs for life " because most of them are probaly much more succesful than you and contribute more to their societies .
Thats never going to happen rich people get lighter sentences all the time for many different offenses. As well the CIA has been involved in drug trafficking into the United States so I dont think the feds are going to arrest the feds.All druggies harm other people in a variety of ways. When combatting the scourge of drug use, no quarter can be given. There must be equal justice under the law and therefore no title shall exempt a druggie from the full force of the law.
Doctors and lawyers who serve life in prison - or worse - for flouting drug laws will be cautionary tales for others.
Can you prove that the science you say is "bad science" or are you just saying its bad science because you disagree with it?The ‘science’ is bad science. There is no such thing as addiction. Like any compound entered into the human body, there will be a reaction, but ANYONE can choose to stop using drugs.
Druggies understand that there will be some unpleasant physical occurrences if they stop taking drugs, but it all comes down to a matter of choice: choose to leave drugs or choose to continue using drugs. It isn’t complicated.
Nonsense. If Singapore can eradicate illicit drug use through the implementation of draconian laws, the US can do it too. It would require true equality of justice under the law. The executions of some high profile individuals for flouting the drug laws will deliver the message loud and clear.Thats never going to happen rich people get lighter sentences all the time for many different offenses. As well the CIA has been involved in drug trafficking into the United States so I dont think the feds are going to arrest the feds.
Can you prove that the science you say is "bad science" or are you just saying its bad science because you disagree with it?
Is Addiction a Choice? - Mental Health First Aid
Science has confirmed that addiction is a chronic brain disease that can happen to anyone. Despite this, there is still popular belief that addiction is the result of weak character or moral failing. We say that addiction should be looked at in the same way that we view other chronic
I hate to break it to you Quence but there are still Drugs in Singapore its just not out in the open nearly as much as the US due to the harsh penalties. In fact someone willing to take risks could make more money smuggling drugs into singapore due to the harshness of their laws.Nonsense. If Singapore can eradicate illicit drug use through the implementation of draconian laws, the US can do it too. It would require true equality of justice under the law. The executions of some high profile individuals for flouting the drug laws will deliver the message loud and clear.
It’s important to realize that if druggies suddenly had the wherewithal to stop using drugs on their own (which is very doable), then a huge part of the fraudulent medical industry would crater.
Look, I know a number of people who were hardcore drug users for many years. They were in and out of countless rehab facilities, had countless prescriptions written for them, and spent innumerable hours chatting with “mental health professionals.” And all of it - ALL OF IT - had no practical effect on them. Instead, they simply one day decided to stop using drugs. They did this all on their own. And it WORKED.
There is a massive industry dedicated to ‘helping’ drug ‘addicts’, but it takes in obscene amounts of money while producing, overall, miserable results.
Singapore does not have a major drug problem. Singapore does not have hordes of drug zombies filling up its streets, causing crime & mayhem, and using sidewalks as toilets.I hate to break it to you Quence but there are still Drugs in Singapore its just not out in the open nearly as much as the US due to the harsh penalties. In fact someone willing to take risks could make more money smuggling drugs into singapore due to the harshness of their laws.
lol. You consider the entire medical industry fraudulent?
We can do better than Singapore. Make the smaller amounts eligible for the death penalty.I was going to lrn2rsrch and compare notes with F@tQuence on,
for example, how many lashes of the Malacca stick would I receive for having an eighth ounce of weed and taking a bong hit in Singapore compared to how many lashes s/he would get for being a pompous, mouthy transvestite and having illicit buttsecks with a Singaporean foggit, but it is really hot here today, and I "can't be arsed".
Misuse of Drugs Act (Singapore) - Wikipedia
Simple Solution: Kill the druggies or put 'em in prison/chain gangs for life. That includes people who use the evil weed.
There is no such thing as 'addiction'. There are only choices. Everyone in America has the freedom to choose whether or not to consume drugs. If you're using drugs, you can CHOOSE to stop using them. Why should non-druggies be forced to pay for the treatment and housing of these morons who CHOOSE to use drugs and then CHOOSE to keep using drugs? F them.
you use singapore as an example of how this policy could work but what you seem to forget is singapore is a much smaller country, with a much smaller population, that's literally on the other side of the planet from south americaWe can do better than Singapore. Make the smaller amounts eligible for the death penalty.
America cant even control its own streets right now much less arrest the 10 - 20% of the population that does use singapore as an example of how this policy could work but what you seem to forget is singapore is a much smaller country, with a much smaller population, that's literally on the other side of the planet from south america
it's much easier for singapore because they only have to deal with australian and Filipino meth and not dozens of cartels that produce metric tonnes of cocaine every hour