Hmmm. Very interesting. In my family, my grampa was asked to leave home at about fourteen in the Depression because there were too many mouths to feed, and he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps, and then the Army, and spent '43 and '44 in France and Germany. Not a word was ever spoken about any of this unemployed commie shit in our household, and when gramps woke up every day he would loudly bark,
"Let us then be up and doing with a heart for any fate;
Still acheiving, still persuing, learn to labor, and to wait."
(waking up everyone else in the house)
Which I learned much later was a portion of a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Grampa was hardcore, but he didn't like commies OR nazis.
One just had better uniforms.
Hugo Boss did have an eye for style... trufax, lol...
I am surprised you didn't point out that the CCC was part of Roosevelt's New Deal, and a Socialist plot to begin with. Thx. My point, tho, was mostly that I was aware of there being a communist party in he US in the thirties and forties, but my folks didn't even recognize their existance. I was working from the time I was twelve, and I never had time to go march around and bitch about shit like that chick on the twitter link. If people these days were moar industrious and fastidious, we wouldn't need china to make all our plastic crap and I wouldn't be ranting like Mel Brooks' "The Two Thousand Year Old Man"
Edit: yes I know they're I FUCK KIDSz, but this nibba iz funny
I dunno, Tim. This guy says there are only two kinds of revolution.
I am leaning toward the non-binary answer where there are any number of pinko-commie freakotypes trying to tear apart our happy, hard-working free-speech loving society. A SPECTRUM LIKE AUTISM.
He's talking about the leftist/radical attack on a gubbermint. The political aspect and the militant aspect. See Ireland. The IRA and Sinn Fein are a similar example.
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