Call Me Tim
EDF Hero
You're obviously not a deep thinker. I suspect that's because you concentrate on lopping off yourDeem crazy hairs are because the crazy brains and sheet.

The conservative goal is to break the stranglehold of identity politics that have griped the black population of Merica.
You'll never change the minds of radicals white, black or other.
Those are acceptable losses. If the non-black community loses you I have no fucking problem with it.
Comparing the troubles in Africa to the US is like comparing you to rutabaga: one is a vegetable and one tastes great in a pie.
Minneapolis has a WHITE mayor. IT has WHITE city board members. It has a WHITE governor. It has a WHITE population that overwhelmingly votes progressive. It had a WHITE AG. It has WHITE senators. What is the real connection? They all believe in this along with with current AG:
The Floyd riots were never about race or looting. Excusing white communists because of whiteness is no better than the dindu's mom saying, he a gentle giant.