Religious people are fucking annoying

I've done ketamine so much now that I kinda don't want to go to the hospital and have surgery. Can you imagine what they are going to have to give me in order to put me under. It would probably kill most people.

I can't go into a "k-hole" anymore. That has been blasted out of my brain and isn't a possibility. For me, it is more like a "waking dream" now.
However, I will maintain that it is the one thing in my life that makes me feel like I don't hate myself. That I don't want to kill myself. That I don't want to verbally attack other people. That I won't take actions and be very very mean to people.

The mean person you've all met when you've interacted with me. That's me when I'm not on ketamine. I would rather not do that to people. If this stuff is going to kill me, at least I'll go down without making it everyone else's problem.
@squiggles2 So, you were referring to the Holy Trinity?
Yes, we can go into that if you want. Listen, I was born into a religion. I'm not giving it up. I'm not converting to another thing. However, I'm not the kind of person that enforces my beliefs on other people.

The mean person you've all met when you've interacted with me. That's me when I'm not on ketamine. I would rather not do that to people. If this stuff is going to kill me, at least I'll go down without making it everyone else's problem.
When I say this, here is what I mean. If I stop taking ketamine for more than a month, I'm going to be an absolute monster. That is about the timeframe where the severe depression and manic depression cycles and all the chaos that I bring is going to happen. So, if all of a sudden I'm acting like a monster again, you will know what happened.
@squiggles2 How do you evangelize the Catholic faith?
Pretty sure I'm doing this right now on the site if you have been reading what I've been saying, if I got the meaning of "evangelize" correct.

If the question is "how do I convert someone that doesn't use the prefrontal cortex to talk to themselves/God/whatever and is more atheistic in nature?", I'm not sure I really have an answer yet.

I don't know how to tell someone to use parts of their brain that they aren't using.

And anyways, a faith is just a set of principles that tells you to do good in the world and don't harm people and forgive others. It doesn't matter if you want to convert to mine or not to me.

People who want others to convert are just telling people to be good and kind and behave and forgive and live "like Jesus" if they are doing it right. If they are trying to tell you that "they are right and you are wrong", this is a person that is as far from God as someone that doesn't believe in my humble opinion.

I'll give you an example:

I recently just finished the show "The Ozarks". The kids grandpa was a bible thumping church goer. However, he was an alcoholic who beat people when people didn't do exactly what he said. This person invoked God when saying that "this is the way to live" and didn't realize just how badly he was doing in his own life.

That's how I feel about force religious conversions.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I was put into a psych ward before and it was basically like being in church all day because everyone there was the same as normal people but fanatically religious. The line between the two virtually doesn't exist.
@squiggles2 Do you believe that faith is also about your relationship with the Holy Trinity and your commitment to the Catholic Church?
So, I had a great but overall bad experience with Rainbow 6 Siege tonight. I'm doing awesome, but I'm playing people who have way more hours put into this game. We are losing every match because I the only one that will do all ops and try to point out the bad guys while everyone else just goes for the k/d ratio. That's done. It was somewhat unappreciated. Now I can answer this question.

Before that, I have the tDCS/tACS device on again and this time I'm doing the back of my head where the visual cortex are located. Something tells me that moving around and trying to be coordinated while I do this isn't a great idea. So, I'm typing and thinking about answers instead.

The Holy Trinity you say. Let's explain what the Holy Trinity means to me, because I can read the Bible all I want and not get the answers I'm seeking because the words were written down ages ago and changed and languages changed meanings and people made their own interpretations and over and over again people think that they have the answer to all of this. On top of that, we are mainly talking about parables and stories and ways to relate to people who lived in societies where this made sense 2000 years ago. While some things are relatable and ubiquitous to all human experiences, other times it definitely isn't. A lot of that made its way into every religious text that you are going to read. They may say something stupid like "My foots a duck" and you are left wondering what the fuck they are talking about. Why am I going to listen to the whole of everyone else's experiences through their own lens that doesn't make any sense to me, a person living in 2025 where I cannot relate to the things that they are talking about?

So, the Holy Trinity:

1) God - The inner voice in your head that you talk to. Maybe there is a real God. There probably is a real God. At least in my opinion. That thing that tells you to cooperate and continue the human species into the future and not make us extinct. Yeah, that's a good thing. Do more of that. Meeting God is an overpowering experience if you've ever had it happen to you. You feel like you aren't in your body anymore. You feel so little and like you are approaching ... A GOD! No no no, humble little me. I'll bow, thank you very much. Yes, yes, whatever you say. I'll never do that again. Please, I'll be good. Is that the thing you are talking about?

2) Jesus - The walking embodiment of the perfectly humble role model that you should follow? What more do I need to say? Don't fight authority. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and you will be rewarded in the next life. That's sound about right to me.

3) The Holy Spirit - Lol. LMAO even. Have you ever "been on fire"? Have you ever "been on a roll"? Have you ever been "in the zone"? Have you ever felt "just right"? Have you ever felt your ancestors talking to you? You're motherfucking from heaven? You're father from heaven? You're grandparents? Have you ever experience synchronicity? Have you ever experienced perfection? Have you ever tried something for the very first time and did it, and then you were like "if I try to do this 1000 more times, I'm not going to be able to do it again"? Yeah, that's the Holy Spirit.

At least in these eyes and in this mind.

What do you think?
@squiggles2 I think Catholicism teaches that the Holy Spirit is the only person of the Holy Trinity who interacts with individuals in a direct and personal way.
Ok, I had a different thought. Which thing is the one that makes me feel the following things?

1) Super awesome, impossibly awesome, king of the world. Triumph!!!~~~~
2) What did you just do? You little shit!
3) It's ok. I will be alright. I'll make sure its fine. You'll see.
4) You better bow down to me right now if you know what is good for you.
5) I do not want you dead and you know it.
6) Really? You want more you fucking moron!
7) You better start praying. And I mean right now!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~

I don't think that one is the Holy Spirit.

Describing Jesus is much more difficult. I think that's because we are all supposed to be Jesus and make it through life while "doing no harm" and "make the world a better place".
Ok, I had a different thought. Which thing is the one that makes me feel the following things?

1) Super awesome, impossibly awesome, king of the world. Triumph!!!~~~~
2) What did you just do? You little shit!
3) It's ok. I will be alright. I'll make sure its fine. You'll see.
4) You better bow down to me right now if you know what is good for you.
5) I do not want you dead and you know it.
6) Really? You want more you fucking moron!
7) You better start praying. And I mean right now!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~

I don't think that one is the Holy Spirit.
@squiggles2 I think what you're referring to is called concupiscence in Catholicism.
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