Religious people are fucking annoying

I've done ketamine so much now that I kinda don't want to go to the hospital and have surgery. Can you imagine what they are going to have to give me in order to put me under. It would probably kill most people.

I can't go into a "k-hole" anymore. That has been blasted out of my brain and isn't a possibility. For me, it is more like a "waking dream" now.
However, I will maintain that it is the one thing in my life that makes me feel like I don't hate myself. That I don't want to kill myself. That I don't want to verbally attack other people. That I won't take actions and be very very mean to people.

The mean person you've all met when you've interacted with me. That's me when I'm not on ketamine. I would rather not do that to people. If this stuff is going to kill me, at least I'll go down without making it everyone else's problem.
@squiggles2 So, you were referring to the Holy Trinity?
Yes, we can go into that if you want. Listen, I was born into a religion. I'm not giving it up. I'm not converting to another thing. However, I'm not the kind of person that enforces my beliefs on other people.

The mean person you've all met when you've interacted with me. That's me when I'm not on ketamine. I would rather not do that to people. If this stuff is going to kill me, at least I'll go down without making it everyone else's problem.
When I say this, here is what I mean. If I stop taking ketamine for more than a month, I'm going to be an absolute monster. That is about the timeframe where the severe depression and manic depression cycles and all the chaos that I bring is going to happen. So, if all of a sudden I'm acting like a monster again, you will know what happened.
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