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  • Jokeman tell me a joke
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    An Indian walks into a drugstore.
    He says, ‘“Me need-um rubber.”’
    The druggist gives him a rubber.
    He says, ‘‘Me need-um aspirin.”’
    The druggist gives him an aspirin.
    The Indian unwraps the rubber, drops in the aspirin, and gulps down the whole thing: ‘‘Glug-um!”’
    The druggist can’t believe it!
    He says, ‘“Chief, what’s going on?’’
    The Indian says, ‘‘Me got-um fucking headache!’’
    tell me a joke
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    Reactions: ZZZandeRRR
    Youngman goes to the psychiatrist.
    He says, ‘‘Doc, I have this terrible feeling that everybody’s trying to take advantage of me!’’
    The psychiatrist responds, ‘“‘Relax, Mr. Youngman. It’s a common thing. Everybody thinks people are trying to take advantage of them.’’
    Youngman sighs, “‘Doc, that’s such a relief! How much do I owe you?”’
    The psychiatrist answers, ‘“‘How much have you got?’’
    Time 4 Guillotines
    Time 4 Guillotines
    A girl comes home from school and excitedly discusses her day with her mom:
    "Mama Mama! Today we were counting numbers and I got all the way to 59, further than all the other girls!"
    >Well that's because you're blonde honey. We're actually the smartest.
    The next day the girl comes home and proclaims:
    "Mama Mama, today we were saying the alphabet and I got to W, further than all the other girls!"
    >Well that's because you're blonde honey. We're actually the smartest.
    The following day the girl comes home from school and says:
    "Mama Mama, today we were showering after gym class and my boobies were bigger than all the other girls! Is that cuz I'm blonde?
    >No honey, it's because you're 27
    no access to email sent
    no access to email sent
    I'm still dating Miss Michigan :(
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