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  • When I'm with you, are you somewhere else?
    Am I getting through or do you please yourself?
    When you wake up, will you walk out?
    It can't be love if you throw it about
    Ooh, babe

    Love bites, love bleeds
    It's bringing me to my knees
    Love lives, love dies
    It's no surprise
    Love begs, love pleads
    It's what I need
    Every memory of looking out the back door
    I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
    It's hard to say it, time to say it
    Goodbye, goodbye

    I miss that town
    I miss their faces
    You can't erase
    You can't replace it
    I miss it now
    I can't believe it
    So hard to stay
    Too hard to leave it
    If I could, I'd relive those days
    I know the one thing that would never change

    Every memory of walking out the front door
    I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
    It's hard to say it, time to say it
    Goodbye, goodbye
    minty whats been going on on this site i need a rundown
    not you @benosisdead you have been unjustly labeled a retard while some of those with purple names deserve pink. it's a cryin' shame
    super brief rundown i found another person who also sews plushies in the shit you made thread it's a real delight
    STOIC SIGMA DID IT OF ALL PEOPLE? the world still has hope...
    Nice to see you drop by again
    I stumbled into the news of David Lynch's death by coincidence. I haven't seen a lot from Lynch aside from Eraserhead and Twin Peaks, something I should probably rectify at some point, but there was this guy Robert Jefferson who I found from when I was using Soundcloud back in 2016 who made frequent allusions to Twin Peaks when he was working on Into The Risenwarren. I believe that was the first time I'd heard about Lynch. He said he wanted his work on the Dark Lantern to be Black Lodge-adjacent recently. Turns out he teaches TV production in Northumberland as well
    I agree if it counts for anything that he was among the minority of film directors who hired actors who expressed any interest after the fact of working with them on a project for a second or third time - Ingmar Bergman also struck me as a pretty chill dude but he might've been an asshole I don't know
    • Feels
    Reactions: minty
    always nice to chat with you, good sir. i've been "unplugging" more
    lynch's work is great. he also references some older visual art directors sometimes. off the top of my head, the scene in the black lodge where cooper's chasing himself is a direct reference to kill, baby, kill! by mario bava. i still haven't finished watching s3
    directors who can make cast members comfortable enough to want to come back whenever they get a phone call are usually good watches. john carpenter is also one. he had kurt russell and a handful of others. that being said sometimes it's atrocious. anything tim burton and johnny depp do together involves putting a ton of white makeup on depp and having him act weird. it certainly has a visual aesthetic to it but it's offputting
    if i may recommend "What Did Jack Do?" is a short lynch did on netflix in 2017 when they were willing to experiment on weird, artsy stuff. he's smoking a cigarette and interviewing a monkey. 10/10 unless mulholland drive is more your thing (it seems bergman influenced this film some, i cannot verify this as i have not seen a lot of his work, really outing myself here as not up on the "kino")
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    i listened to david lynch's "catching the big fish" and am about 1/3 of the way through "room to dream" which is an interesting format for a biography because this woman went around interviewing his family and friends and then at the end of her writing for the chapter he talks further about his perspective on the period.

    in catching the big fish he talks about the importance of the director having final cut, and laments that he did not have it for dune. and how he basically tells angelo badalamenti how he's feeling and angelo composes it. if you're interested in diving in to lynch more i would recommend either or both of these. the auto/biography's first chapter alone explains a lot abt the visual tone he goes for in twin peaks.
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    Reactions: christ
    Without Trump in office, this subhuman filth would still be in the country. The repulsive turd world browns must be expelled….ALL OF THEM!

    Leftists truly are the absolute worst when it comes to governance. Here’s YOUR governor from your home state:

    PSA: Minty is a child molester.
    While normies are interested in creating families and creating kids, I'm more interested in creating immortal artistry and infectious awareness. Your kind creates sexually for sexuality. My kind creates artistically for enlightenment. We are not the same. It disgusts me that you think we are. Your concept of sexuality, to me, in any format, is arguably the most vile, dirty and disgusting act imaginable.

    You're all like sexual retards who can't stop playing pocket pool in public like someone is seriously interested in watching you fornicate yourself. It reminds me of the adult baby community where they post diapered "crotch shots" every other five minutes in the same way that you see porn puppets constantly posting sexualized selfies. I look at that stupid shit and... I'm sorry, you just look like unthinking animals humping the fuckin furniture because you have no sense of self-control.

    Im seeing multiple bingos just from these profile post holy shit this guy never changes.
    Oh look, they're still doing Bingo cards! These are so much fun, it's like the Salt Cellars from the 80s! Remember paper fortune tellers? It's just that, like a manual Magic 8 Ball. Works the same as any "cold reading" con artistry, but these types are geared specifically towards children, meaning you have to have a pretty low IQ to really enjoy them. That's probably not much of a problem around here I'm guessing.

    ED - Bingo - Blank.png
    How did you learn to sew things really well?
    • Good Question
    Reactions: minty
    i started off learning how to do native american style beadwork when i was 7. if you want i can post some earrings in here so you can get a general idea of what that entails
    after i got decent at that though it wasn't a far stretch to start hand-sewing. it was something i always came back to at different points so now that's 30+ yrs of a needle n thread
    Not interested in earrings but you can post the process if you want.
    I think sewing would be a good skill to use if your clothes needed repairing
    @minty ok, I'm bored now so I would like to see those arts and crafts/earrings you were talking about earlier. Post your process of making them, or at least when you have time.
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