In the annals of Encyclopedia Dramatica history, many Stories have been told. Good Stories, not-so-good ones, true Stories and outright falsehoods mixed with a spectrum of all partial and half-truths as only Spergz OnTheInternetzz will generate and publish, willy-nilly like a horde of piglets at the teat, randomly mixing Gawd'd own troof with manufactured and dreamed up loads of outright bullshit that rightfully never ever ought see the light of day. And it is for this that I request, implore, and beg of you kind Sir, pls restore the Cool Story,Bro rating to the Holy Grail of ED comment ratings so that these departures from perceived reality might be pointed out to the uninitiated poor fools who lack the capability to discern Gawd's Troof for themselves, and the demon-spawned deceivers who, like wolves in the fold, demonstrate their skill and cunning at writing run-on sentences that arrive at an abandoned train station in the middle of nowhere after having imparted literally zero useful knowledge to the innocent, sheep-like npc victims.