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  1. SK2.0

    The Mummy Returns: Christmas Special

    Has your sister in law been getting a good dicking recently? Most of the time, irrational behaviour in women is due to lack of dick.
  2. SK2.0

    5th grader IRL LARPs as Hitler now Jews want blood

    Little runt shoulda gone with Josef Stalin or Mao Tsedong and would have scored an A. I blame bad parenting.
  3. SK2.0

    help me find a hobby

    That is a broad generalization. We do things at our own pace. If you don´t like it you can fix your crapper yourself. :gaben:
  4. SK2.0

    EDF6 1st Annual Yearbook Thread

    Bonus points if on the same picture.
  5. SK2.0

    Name this nigger..

  6. SK2.0

    Are Arabs based?

    Hating the jew has nothing to do with being based. Its just common sense.
  7. SK2.0

    ÆÆÆÆ Official thread of outside the basement ÆÆÆÆ

    At least the cultists had good taste in cars.
  8. SK2.0

    US Politics General

    Probably complications because of his diabeetus and down syndrome.
  9. SK2.0


    So spics cut their smack with hayfever meds and tylenol? Smooth marketing move there...
  10. SK2.0

    otterwhiskers a.k.a. linkermann

    Because u r an autistic spazz
  11. SK2.0

    help me find a hobby

    I´m a strong advocate of manual labor to keep the mind occupied. Gardening? Woodworks? Blacksmithing? All these have the bonus of being able to double as source of income when you are good at it.
  12. SK2.0

    Chimpouts in USA

    Yeah I like trees too, but we are talking about some fucking 10k pine trees (commercial monoculture). Boohoo. Its not like they cut down the Teutoburg forest.
  13. SK2.0

    Chimpouts in USA

    Leftys also salty because trees were harmed during the construction of the Tesla site.
  14. SK2.0

    What's the cure for autism?

    Yes. No.
  15. SK2.0

    Computer stuff you just got

    Have you tried smacking the side of the casing with your palm? That usually works fine.
  16. SK2.0


    I am
  17. SK2.0


    I´ve been playing with randoms for the last few...just installed the game
  18. SK2.0


    Damn I really suck at this...friggin kids
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