holy shit business is damn bad
and you live in colo springs, i feel sorry for you
there are stories of insane evangelicals going around beating on doors to convert everyone
and these different churches like to call each other "satanists"
plus its basically a USAF town and the air force is totally controlled by evangelicals now
sounds like HELL to me
yeah but the homeless give the evangelicals a run for their money though.
The evangelicals briefly got their ads shown on Fort Carson e-billboards, but someone told them gtfo. now those boards are back to advertising relevant stuff like smokeshops or liquor stores.
Chair force, yeah. Don't like them.
But I'm stuck here for two more years. Better than a lot of other places tho.
Totally not in a recession bro.
Welcome to the shootadel. I'm usually carrying my ruger lcp in that place.
The burlington is also getting ready to leave for a place across the street so come October it's really going to dry up.
I ought to take a trip to the Pueblo Mall this week too.
At home using Amazon.