Literally exposed a concealed carry to a cop, when he got tardy. Things were tense then he backed off when he realized he could lose as well.
(not retarded by reaching for it, but told him I was carrying, lifted my shirt and pointed to the A box hit targets in the back of my pickup.

Then there was this faggot marine that tried to push me off my BLM range with his faggot boyfriend. Same thing. He left. Although he put two rounds through my truck by the time I noticed he took a third shot at my head. he missed when I broke out the rifle, he fucked off like the faggot he was. #stolen valor

Shit is real bro.
Literally exposed a concealed carry to a cop, when he got tardy. Things were tense then he backed off when he realized he could lose as well.
(not retarded by reaching for it, but told him I was carrying, lifted my shirt and pointed to the A box hit targets in the back of my pickup.

Then there was this faggot marine that tried to push me off my BLM range with his faggot boyfriend. Same thing. He left. Although he put two rounds through my truck by the time I noticed he took a third shot at my head. he missed when I broke out the rifle, he fucked off like the faggot he was. #stolen valor

Shit is real bro.
first im like haha that's p smart haha
then im all why you heff to be such a faggot about it
now i'm sad
well as you know, businesses are free to make rules for their property.

they were GIs so it should be obvious their IQ is around room temp.
Dude you can carry in a mall if your state isn't fucked up. If you conceal carry, who's going to know?

There was a shoot out in a mall not too long ago and someone carrying dropped the turd at 40 yards.

saw some weirdo chickenses at the start of my hike today @minty



deffo a Vorwerkhuhn, the white patch under the eye was present in all of them. Under mild threat of extinction apparently.
At the bottom middle of the image, what is that small green circular patch?
my wife assumed that's where a cattle watering tank was located, if true it must have been removed before the winter.
Don’t you effing dare….and why haven’t you reversed my posting ban in the Cooking thread? I made my case which proved I was correct and you were wrong.

Stop being a Polish a-hole. EDF already has enough trouble getting people to post here without Mods abusing their mandate and scaring people off. Think.
They aren't scaring people off anymore
>"just put quence on ignore bro"
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