A thread for news which don't deserve their own thread


EDF2 Survivor
because they're not funny, yet still raise an eyebrow if not the other. Now how is that for a criteria? yeah I know, but here it goes

What's a better debut than the Chinese at it again, or maybe it was the US who slipped these. The truth is out there and so is the loan money backed by these stinkers.

China in counterfeit gold scandal as Wuhan company uses fake bars to gain $4.1bn in loans

One of China’s largest gold jewellery manufacturers, Wuhan-based and NASDAQ-listed Kingold Jewelry, is being accused of depositing fake gold bars as collateral to obtain loans from 14 Chinese financial institutions.

The 83 tonnes of gold were purportedly valued at 20.6 billion yuan (A$4.2 billion) but many of them have turned out to be gilded copper, according to reports from Beijing.

Two New York law firms have already begun investigations into securities fraud on behalf of investors in Kingold Jewelry Inc (NASDAQ: KGJI).

The story broke after a Beijing-based website investigated complaints and then posted the news under the headline: “The mystery of [US]$2 billion of loans backed by fake gold”.

Kingold is denying it lodged fake bars with Chinese lenders such as China Minsheng Trust, Hengfeng Bank, Dongguan Trust and Bank of Zhangjiakou. The trust companies involved are largely what are known as “shadow banks”.
Fake gold used as collateral after loan defaults

The alleged scam came to light earlier this year when Kingold defaulted on loans to Dongguan Trust. The gold bars pledged as collateral turned out to be gilded copper alloy. Minsheng Trust’s “gold” bars have also turned out to be copper alloy under the gilded surface.

Much of the money borrowed was reportedly used to invest in China’s housing bubble, some of which investments obviously went sour.

Kingold bought a company called Tri-Ring that owned blocks of land in Wuhan and Shenzhen with some of the borrowed money.
Military backing helped Kingold raise money

Kingold’s controlling shareholder is Jia Zhihong, described as “an intimidating ex-military man”.

Mr Jia, who has served in the military in Wuhan and Guangzhou, once managed gold mines for the People’s Liberation Army. Kingold was originally a gold factory in Wuhan affiliated with the People’s Bank of China.

Commentaries on this breaking story argue that Mr Jia’s connections with China’s powerful army meant he could do anything he wanted, no questions asked.

In fact, a state-owned insurer covered some of the loans — but with the beneficiary being Kingold, not the lenders.

Wuhan Kingold is the largest gold processor in Hubei province.

Questions are already being raised as to whether more of China’s “hard assets” of gold simply do not exist.

This is not the first scandal of its kind: in 2016 “gold” bars issued as collateral to 19 lenders in the Shaanxi province also turned out to be adulterated – in that case, the core of the bars consisted of tungsten.

Fears are that other Chinese gold producers and jewellery makers may also be involved in similar frauds.

It is reported that the Shanghai Gold Exchange has cancelled Kingold’s membership.

Shares in Kingold fell 23.77% overnight on the news to US$0.85.


EDF2 Survivor
Little Caesars fired two employees after a couple found a swastika made of pepperoni on their pizza

An Ohio couple say they were shocked and disappointed when they opened their ready-made pizza to see pepperonis arranged in the shape of a reverse swastika Saturday.
"Things like this are keeping hate alive in this world," Jason Laska told CNN. "We all need the exact opposite of that right now."
Laska said he was on his way home from his mother-in-law's house when he stopped to pick up dinner for his family. He says he grabbed a "hot and ready pizza" from the warmer at Little Caesars in Brook Park, Ohio, about 14 miles south of Cleveland.

He got home, ready to dig in when the couple opened the box and say they found the symbol on their pizza.
Jason Laska said he hopes the fired employees "learned a valuable lesson throughout this."
"We were literally silent for a few moments," Laska said. "Misty (his wife) asked me if I had ordered it and they had to make it and they gave me that on purpose thinking they were targeting me because they stereotyped me or something."
Laska said he tried to call the store prior to 10 p.m., close to closing time, but says their line was busy.
"That's when we posted to social media, wanting to express our anger and show our family and friends what kind of place it (Little Caesars) was."
Two employees admitted responsibility and were immediately terminated, Jill Proctor, a Little Caesar Enterprises spokeswoman, told CNN in a statement Monday.
"We have zero tolerance for racism and discrimination in any form," Proctor said. "We're deeply disappointed that this happened, as this conduct is completely against our values. We have also reached out to the customer to discuss this personally with him."

While he says he's glad Little Caesars reached out to him and acknowledged the wrongdoing by taking swift action, Laska said he isn't entirely satisfied, but hopes the former employees learned a valuable lesson through the ordeal.
"This is an example of what needs to change in our world," he said, "And we hope that people start to realize that and use their time to make those changes and not blast us for trying to do it."


+size butt model
EDF2 Survivor
Weren´t those chink tungsten gold bars a meme in 2010 already?


EDF2 Survivor
The Facatativa Narco submarine

Colombia, The Facatativa narco-submarine, a fully steeled (rather than the usual fiberglass), double-hulled, fully submersible machine that was build to deliver cocaine anywhere in the world, had it been finished.

Found during a police raid in the year 2000, and with an alleged cost of 10 million dollars, its said this machine, which also had a sonar, was build with help from Russian/Ukrainian naval engineers, and was capable of delivering 200 tons of cocaine on a single trip, sailing 100 meters/300 feet underwater, and had an endurance of 2,500 kilometers/1,500 miles.

The most baffling part of an already baffling project is that it was build right in the middle of the country, in a mountainous town located over 2,500 meter/8,200 feet over sea level.

As no arrest where made, it’s still unclear how they intended to get this to the coast, as the warehouse in which it was found showed signs that they actually intended to complete it there.


EDF2 Survivor
How long would you be able to hold a finger on an app to win about $20k?
I'd do so good with the aid of caffeine and a plaster cast.

MrBeast ends Finger on the App competition by telling players to stop after 70 hours

After watching contestants keep their fingers attached to a phone screen for more than 70 hours, YouTube creator Jimmy “MrBeast” Donaldson called an early end to a massive competition originally designed with one winner and a $25,000 prize in mind. The result? Four winners, each walking away with $20,000 in hand.

Donaldson’s “Finger on the App” was a one-time game designed in partnership with internet collective MSCHF. The rules were simple: be the last person to take your finger off a phone screen, and win $25,000. The game kicked off at 3PM ET on June 30th, and ran until Donaldson called an end to the madness on Twitter at 1:15PM ET today.

“Dear the four remaining contestants with your finger still on the app, I’m ending it here,” Donaldson tweeted. “Three days is insane! You ALL win and will ALL receive $20,000. CONGRATULATIONS!”

Despite Donaldson’s calls for players to “go to sleep,” a couple contestants kept going. One player argued on a livestream that Donaldson’s tweet could be a trick; if three of the final four players removed their fingers, the last person standing could still stand to win $25,000. Another member of the final four had his game disconnected.

A couple of the players said they tweeted at Donaldson asking about next steps because they were left confused. Donaldson then tweeted that he was able to get two “of the $20,000 winners in a phone call.” A follow up tweet from Donaldson confirmed “all four winners have been contacted and will get their money.”

“Glad a robot didn’t win,” Donaldson tweeted.

Donaldson also said that a lot of people were pretending to have won, but that his team “confirmed the actual winners thru the backend and they have all been contacted.” At least one person on a live stream who claimed to have been in the final group said they had not received a call from Donaldson. The Verge has reached out to MSCHF and Donaldson for more information.

Over the last day, Donaldson started offering some of the remaining players thousands of dollars to take their finger off the app. Two players took their fingers off the app on July 2nd for $5,000 each, according to Donaldson’s tweets, and another two players took their fingers off today for $10,000 each.

Donaldson has made a name for himself on YouTube for similar type of videos. Over the last three years, Donaldson has filmed videos about making large donations or presenting challenges that land friends and strangers new houses and cars. His channel skyrocketed under the new format. Donaldson gave his mom $100,000, bought a house for his best friend, opened pop-up shops where visitors could buy expensive electronics for cheap, and bought car shoppers a vehicle of their choice after taking over a dealership, practically giving away every car.

Prior to the game’s launch, Donaldson spoke to The Verge about expectations both his team and MSCHF had for the game. The app was prepared to hold “millions of concurrent players,” with more than 1 million players within the first hour. Having those many players enter a game at once comes with some concerns.

Donaldson was especially interested in “making sure someone couldn’t just duct tape their hand to the phone,” he told The Verge at the time. This required players to occasionally move their fingers in specific ways, he said. Donaldson also acknowledged that much of it is out of his control, but it’s that chaotic element that he was most excited by.

“I think the beauty of the game is that we don’t really have control,” Donaldson said. “It’s really up to the people playing and seeing who lasts the longest, and I think our main thing was just keeping the game fair.”

By the end, it became clear that Donaldson wanted to control the game a little to make sure contestants finally got some sleep.


+size butt model
EDF2 Survivor
The obscene amounts of money that get thrown at "content creators" on yt and the like (only to be literally trown out the window by said creators while making their "content") will one day be viewed as the last harbinger of the downfall of the current monetary system.

This shit is pets.com^10.


EDF2 Survivor
Inside the Social Media Cult That Convinces Young People to Give Up Everything
Not news per se, but it's a lengthy blog post about some youngster who got cucked by a cult which he stumbled upon by accident in Twitter/Facebook. It's a good read, but I could see it coming right from the start with their obsession on white clothing, newspeak, semen cocktails and empowering black women by giving them all the money in the world.


EDF2 Survivor
i overheard a pizza manager guy say that there were 59 pepperoni on that pizza and there should only be 37 and i was like


yikes glad i don't work this stuff anymore
So in the work interviews for a pizza parlor they want to make sure you can count to 37? So you passed with flying colors, but never could grasp the number magic gematria behind the patties and pizzas?


EDF2 Survivor
So in the work interviews for a pizza parlor they want to make sure you can count to 37? So you passed with flying colors, but never could grasp the number magic gematria behind the patties and pizzas?


i'm afraid i don't do voodoo


anyways, they do usually use scales in food production, it just seemed jarring to overhear that particular criticism as i get muh pie
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