Hmm. Ok. Thanks for the breakdown.
But what about just heading into the Bush?
I.e, hunting, fishing, foraging, ect.?
Biggest thing about lone wolfing in the wilderness is security. You are open to the elements and wildlife as well. In a building you are safer from wild threats and the elements, but you are more easily targeted/identified by two legged predators. It's a trade off. Plus you lose domicile concealment/cover.
Plus, all supplies and tools have to be carried. There's no real "best situation."
Many think, I'll just hunt my way through it. Gunshots can be heard for miles (unless suppressed). But even then, if supersonic, you'll hear the crack of the round breaking the sound barrier. Though if you do, they are very close. So a compound bow may be a better choice for hunting. However, for defense it means you'll be lugging a 7-9 lbs rifle as well.
Fishing may be a better alternative, however fishing puts you in a largely indefensible position: river/creek bank, you're in a natural low ground spot, soft/soggy/sandy ground so movement might be hindered, and little to no cover or concealment while fishing.
Foraging really depends on the season. You're not going to find too many plant edibles during the summer/winter or spring.
In an wilderness situation, numbers is probably the best defense. One or two fish/hunt while the others pull security. However, more people means more noise, slower travel, more resources needed for day to day operations, and bigger footprint. I would say a minimum of four would be best then you could work 12 on and 12 off. But the ones pulling overnight watch aren't going to be too spry during the day. All this will take a toll on your morale and health. Which should be a serious concern.
The whole SHTF scenario is a bigger disaster than most people think. The wilderness bug out means a lot of work. Which many don't realize or want to realize. You might spend a good chunk of your day just hauling water and purifying it. That task takes away form trapping, fishing, hunting, building, etc.
The best case in that situation is a secluded hunting/fishing lodge that you or very few people know about, that can be defensible, you would know the landscape, and the amount of return that land or range can supply. Every deer you take, means one less one that is available and it takes time to replenish the herd. Not to mention that there are others out there trying to feed themselves and their companions, and in doing so may develop a hording type mentality as well. Instead of killing one deer, they take three or four to preserve for a later date - just in case. During SHTF no one is going to be checking bag limits. more deer/game out, means they replenish slower. Unless you live in an area known for wild hogs. But pigs are smart they are not really predictable like typical game. However, when you arrive, there may be others who have stumbled upon your privately owned property and may not like the idea of giving up that position.
So there is no real good answer. Its a bad situation all around, and something not to be wished for.
So just for minimum load out for completely off the land hunting/protection, you'll need say a rifle, a pistol, the ammo, a compound bow at least a dozen arrows, a good bush knife, a hatchet, a saw (maybe) water purification, water containers, fire starters, and cold and wet weather gear. Even if you sacrificed a few items say the knife for the hatchet, ditch the pistol, etc., you're still looking at 50lbs of gear and that doesn't include water and food weight.
Then there is the choice of what firearm to take. AR15 556 vs AR308? Light and maneuverable vs range and superior terminal ballistics AND
fucking heavy? Common ammo available vs, something a little less common? Pistol: 357 revolver vs 9mm vs 45 vs 22lr? How many rounds do you take? Official battle load while I was in Iraq was 6+1. More often than not we duct taped our +1 to another mag upside down, giving us +2. But that exposes the feed lips to dirt and debris and can affect reliability and the ability to lie flat in the prone. However many line units would typically carry an additional 10-15 mags extra in their QRF (go)bag (small backpack).
I'm not telling you one way or the other. You plan out what you think is best. If this gives you doomer vibes, then yeah I think you understand what the challenges are.