Badge requests plz

Nigga what do you mean youre dreaming about me
Oh, I didn't know that you were going to dig that up. I thought you didn't read shit.

If you Beetlejuice that question to me, I'll answer it. That is the way that "they" make me brute force things. It really isn't that important. I wouldn't venture into that kind of a question. It is just something I promised "them", whoever it is that "they" are, that I wouldn't say.

How about I do the other dream first, without the extra prompting?

I was told in the second dream that a particular user here and I were never wanted and can never be a part of "us". I'm not going to mention who that user is or even give a clue about who they are.
I'll give you an example of "them" making me "brute force" things. "They" didn't want me to break off a certain relationship. "They" prevented me on multiple attempts to not do what I was going to do (donate to the site again). "They" prevented me from being able to log into my Coinbase account like normal. I had to do multiple attempts to finally say "I don't care what you think, I'm doing this anyway".

Then, they will allow me to do what they don't want me to do.

So, go ahead and ask two more times and I will tell you the very unimportant thing that I was told.
Screenshot 2024-11-27 054538.png
Ok, I'll let you know this one. On EDF3, I did try to completely be anonymous and tried to not be the same user as I am now. Do you know how that worked out for me? Not very well.

I tried everything I could think of and, of course, I was still hacked and it didn't make a difference. They knew exactly who I was. And then came the very implicit threat.

That is the reason that I don't even try to hide who I am. There's no reason. My devices are hacked. I can try whatever I want. I can try to change my name and move somewhere else, start a new life and everything. It won't matter. Once they find you, you are found. There is no "new beginning".

So at this point, what does it even matter? That is an honest question.
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