Badge requests plz

Fuck off you nothing of nothingness. Let me know what they did to you first. If that is "they gave me an ED page :(" then completely fuck off you nothing of nothingness.
What the fuck are you on about? This is like me going to a prison and bitching at them calling them names. You are not a member of the zoo. They have a badge request on the normal forums homie.
this is not the proper place to ask for badges
unless you are a retard
Is it really 27 accounts? In my mind, I think I'm at like 15 or so. I have those that I haven't posted on, but I cannot believe it is up to 27 yet.
paranoid schizophrenia must have some overlap with unwarranted self-importance because what you're exhibiting here could be explained by both diagnoses. nobody fucking counts the amount of socks you have because nobody cares at all.
I'm beginning to think your entire schizophrenia is just a sad cope your brain came up with because you lack close and loving relationships IRL. As a substitute, you convinced yourself of your importance in some entirely made up grand schemes like gangstalking.
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