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EDF2 Survivor
The boogaloo begins.
"he said it was critically important that people “who engaged in sedition and threatened people’s lives, defaced public property, caused great damage” be held accountable." Dictionary definition of cognitive dissonance right there.

Call Me Tim

800 watts of solar, 3x 200ah lithium.
Water is the only concern
It shouldn't be too deep of a well. I think it would cost you maybe a grand or two for a well and set up. I think you'll be ok if you land it.

You gonna tiny house it in the meanwhile while you build?

Call Me Tim

Aren't places named things like "Sweetwater" in the midwest plains usually cruel jokes about the brackish hard mineral well water, ala "Truth or Consequences, New Mexico"?
Most of the time those places are named by Biblical edgelords. See Kill Devil Hills. Totally gay. Doesn't do shit.

Call Me Tim

I know right. I remember when in my thirties just going in to the service a couple of people were telling me of future unrest and massive potential of civil war. If I only listened to them 20 years ago. :(

I feel like I'm behind the 8ball and that's the worst of it. I prepare pretty good but it doesn't seem to be enough, there is always something that wakes me up at night that I totally forgot about. And like you said, it's that sort of drive that only benefits the merchants.

Eh nevertheless you're always welcome here. it won't be Ft. Knox or the Ritz but it will be enough to let you get your shit together and plan. You and my fave joo @rodion and my @kurisu are the serious fighters here. 100% confidence. Even if this thing doesn't blow up I hope you get your place so you have some peace.


I know right. I remember when in my thirties just going in to the service a couple of people were telling me of future unrest and massive potential of civil war. If I only listened to them 20 years ago. :(

I feel like I'm behind the 8ball and that's the worst of it. I prepare pretty good but it doesn't seem to be enough, there is always something that wakes me up at night that I totally forgot about. And like you said, it's that sort of drive that only benefits the merchants.

Eh nevertheless you're always welcome here. it won't be Ft. Knox or the Ritz but it will be enough to let you get your shit together and plan. You and my fave joo @rodion and my @kurisu are the serious fighters here. 100% confidence. Even if this thing doesn't blow up I hope you get your place so you have some peace.
You seem sentimental
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