Each race has something that defines it. From a scientific standpoint this it is interesting that white people have more phenotype variety than other races. That said, I don't really care, don't think it matters and I haven't researched to know if this is true. This sounds like something only a white supremacist would know about. Asian guys are hot and I wouldn't tell one no thank you just because his race lacks phenotype variety.
Friend, no one was making a judgement call about Asians or Caucasians. It was simply a statement of facts. Try not to get triggered by the truth.
how fucking boring
i have a crossbow, which i will hook up to a rig aimed at my face with a string tied to the trigger and die via rube goldberg contraption. i will roll a marble into a chain of dominoes which will pull a string and release sand into a cup and when the cup gets heavy it will lower and the pin attached to the bottom will land into a balloon and pop it and the force will start a nearby marble down a tube and into another domino set with opposite colors in it where my suicide note is until eventually the end is reached and i get crossbowed through my left eyeball
I would personally just cover myself in gasoline and and strap a bunch of fireworks and cans of gunpowder to myself and suicide bomb the local Walmart or gas station tbh. Create some fun memories for other people on the way out! :)
i have a crossbow, which i will hook up to a rig aimed at my face with a string tied to the trigger and die via rube goldberg contraption. i will roll a marble into a chain of dominoes which will pull a string and release sand into a cup and when the cup gets heavy it will lower and the pin attached to the bottom will land into a balloon and pop it and the force will start a nearby marble down a tube and into another domino set with opposite colors in it where my suicide note is until eventually the end is reached and i get crossbowed through my left eyeball

there is a better way
how fucking boring
i have a crossbow, which i will hook up to a rig aimed at my face with a string tied to the trigger and die via rube goldberg contraption. i will roll a marble into a chain of dominoes which will pull a string and release sand into a cup and when the cup gets heavy it will lower and the pin attached to the bottom will land into a balloon and pop it and the force will start a nearby marble down a tube and into another domino set with opposite colors in it where my suicide note is until eventually the end is reached and i get crossbowed through my left eyeball
bonus points if you can get the rube goldberg to actually write the note.
those who drag their feet are rewarded.

be black. be woman. be LGBT.

don't put your shopping cart where it goes. if you decide you don't want to buy an item, don't put it back where you got it. DEI companies cherish people who drag their feet the most.

before making a call, i look at a company's website for DEI.

i always wear wireless headsets while talking on the phone. so while i am giving the person on the phone (and if possible a supervisor) shit, i am busy doing something productive like washing my dishes.

before i used to look down on government handouts.

now, even if i have money saved, i always apply for unemployment, food stamps, LEAHP, etc. i also encourage others to do so, especially senior citizens. a senior friend didn't like applying for government handouts until I explained the government is giving illegals free housing, healthcare, meals, etc.

He grabbed his bag of handouts.

just think of it as a game. treat the system like it treats you.
ive been on gibs before, back when i actually needed it. i cant bring myself to get back on it, but im happy for any other american who can get a bag of goodies.

seeing liz cheney campain with kamala harris proved how out-of-touch the harris campaign was. "hey everyone, the military industrial complex puppets who are responsible for hundreds of thousands dying and countless more suffering have endorsed us!"
That's their desperate cling to power. It would have worked in the early to late nineties but the internet is off the chain. That's why they are trying to clamp down on it. They have lost control of the narrative.

Anyhoo. It's not that there aren't MIC fuckheads in the Trump camp, it's just that Liz "miss piggy" and co are so loathed. She is subtle as car bomb and as smooth as deactivated charcoal shake. At least her father had some political savvy. She has none. Openly begged the democrats in her adopted state to vote for her. They all laughed along with the R's.
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