102 pages of white fragility
102 pages of white fragility
you fucking loser bitch

as usual, faggot snowflake manages to fuck up even the simplest task

I'm so glad somebody took this shitty bait
In four hours I will get the sunday paper, take a pic of the frontpage and upload... you can see for yourself. If they couldn't get a story on the front page because they already put the thing to bed, well 3)????? but I bet they are just burying that shit so they can continue their riveting blow-by-blow coverage of the plandemic and the Governors latest rounds of small business crushing executive recommendations.
Its a McClatchy news service paper lol-chekkit out for yourself
and here i was trying to forget about the scamdemic and the stolen election, lol. no need for pics, i get it.
welcome newfriend. please help yourself to the free coffee and stale crackers.

I was told there'd be coke and underage hookers but I guess times are hard for everybody, who knew a forum with the humour and relevance of everybody's drunken uncle would struggle to keep active members
I was told there'd be coke and underage hookers but I guess times are hard for everybody, who knew a forum with the humour and relevance of everybody's drunken uncle would struggle to keep active members
exactly which forum is humorous and relevant?
careful with that edge, you might cut yourself.
If you think that was edgy you must have had a hell of a time in this dump
It's just a bit of banter, don't be so sensitive
In four hours I will get the sunday paper, take a pic of the frontpage and upload... you can see for yourself. If they couldn't get a story on the front page because they already put the thing to bed, well 3)????? but I bet they are just burying that shit so they can continue their riveting blow-by-blow coverage of the plandemic and the Governors latest rounds of small business crushing executive recommendations.
Its a McClatchy news service paper lol-chekkit out for yourself

Not a damn thing

Defunding still a thing in King county,where a "de-escalation specialist" was stabbed to death last week... can not make this shit up
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