A mall cop will now be serving warrants. @Phelan looks like your type of town.
One thing is certain: any white people left in downtown Minneapolis are hastily making plans to MOVE OUT OF THE NEW MOGADISHU.

And that includes white Leftists who we know love to yap about 'diversity' but absolutely HATE living in and around diversity.

This is the state AG.
This is his son on the city counsel.

However, Deblasio will not to be out-cucked.

Its very cuck behaviour but also just pandering to the masses

They arent going to just shut down the police force overnight. I assume they think everyone will forget about it
You have no idea how fast the left moves in my country. The only reason they dragged their feet during the Obunghole years was because they thought they had a lock on the House, Senate and Presidency for the next 24 years.
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