So if they dismantle the police force, whose gonna stop robberies, investigate murders, find lost kids n direct traffic?

I don't see how depending on an untrained group to apprehend criminals will bring about better results. If trained professionals can have a lapse of reason or allow their emotions to interfere with an often highly emotional and physical act, then how is Joe Dickhead and Karen Screecher going to perform in comparison.
But what can you expect from a city counsel which is comprised of ANTIFAggots.

Perhaps we should start building a wall around Minneapolis.
It's mindboggling to even suggest that not wanting to be a victim is something stemming from privilege.
Progressive liberalism is a mental disorder.

You have a home and stuff to steal, hence you are privileged.

Once everybody is equally poor, there will be no impetus to rob anyone.
Have you never heard of the low low crime rate in Venezuela? See, problem solved.

Show me how exactly how they are different. One's got a flashy new logo that is all. ANTIFAggot's demands"
What does the movement want?
The primary goal is to stop neo-Nazis and white supremacists from gaining a platform rather than to promote a specific antifa agenda. The antifa groups are decidedly anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia, but also by and large socially leftist and anti-capitalist.

A common mantra among far-left groups beginning shortly before the inauguration: make America “ungovernable.”

“We need to make this country ungovernable,” declared a female leader for Refuse Fascism shortly after the inauguration. “We need to do what the German people should have done when Hitler was elected.”
Many of those arrested identified themselves as part of the Antifa movement. Its name derives from "anti-fascist," and it has come to represent what experts who track these organizations call the "hard left" -- an ideology that runs afield of the Democratic Party platform and supports oppressed populations as it protests the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites.
* * *

Perhaps, ANITFAggots are different in your country as apposed to mine. But it seems they are consistent in the belief of a powerful centrally controlled economy, (anti-capitalism/anti free market) which is the foundation of every communist movement (correcting economic inequality). The tack ons such as trannie bathroom rights are trivial and are meaningless. The end goal is to destroy the current government and introduce a communist one.

Saying Marx and Lenin are different because Lenin was the face of the soviet style communism is ludicrous. Lenin was just more competent. And Marx's so called ground breaking ideas were in circulation among "intellectuals" for well over 50 years before Marx decided to pen them into an official form.

You are splitting hairs that aren't there.
Maybe you should go back to school if you have troubles with english to this point
Nah, there is too much civilization in driving distance to do that, chances are private security firms are gonna move in. Basically the ancap police force.
Oh good so mercenaries instead. That's a perfect idea, bring in jack booted thugs on power trips with absolutely no ties to the community they are charged with protecting and have them try to keep the peace in a fucking powder keg.

The pregnant cop from Fargo would be a better choice.

All these ppl screaming about defunding the police forget what they actually do, that never makes it into the news. They narcan our ODs, calm down the aggressive PTSD vet off his meds without having to shoot him, they help our paramedics secure an area and drag ppl out of burning cars if they get there b4 fire crews. I've seen them do CPR on cardiac arrest in the grocery stores until ems gets there.

That's my sperge.
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