"Can't we all just get along?"

Is suicide by antifa a thing? Because this looks like attempted suicide by antifa...
Weren't these same type of faggots crying about the police forcing them into their domiciles for just standing on the porch? Oh wait. We've gone full circle.
Well at least it's not "police brutality," ANTIFAggot brutality. I feel safer now.
Fuck! Here's a boomer story straight from teh 1979 yearbook. Laurelhurst park had a bigass bmx jump we all called Devil's Ditch, and once a cop drove up the access road and blocked the jump with his car, and one of my friends did a nice flat tabletop... jumped right over the car, triggering a chase where we easily lost the cop, melting into the surrounding neighborhood. Of course today they would just surround the car, break all the windows and burnit in Portland, idunno, smdh
I almost posted this yesterday, but I am just like
"Double Divine Facepalm"... can't these people comprehend how
despicable and weak they look to average jerks in 'Merica?
It makes me think there is something to these paranoid theories about there being so much residual estrogen in the water supply that the "normal antifa citizen" is completely bitch-made and there is no going back.
Fuck! Here's a boomer story straight from teh 1979 yearbook. Laurelhurst park had a bigass bmx jump we all called Devil's Ditch, and once a cop drove up the access road and blocked the jump with his car, and one of my friends did a nice flat tabletop... jumped right over the car, triggering a chase where we easily lost the cop, melting into the surrounding neighborhood. Of course today they would just surround the car, break all the windows and burnit in Portland, idunno, smdh
a friend tells me that hood is liberal af and would probably welcome their new anarchic overlords...

It makes me think there is something to these paranoid theories about there being so much residual estrogen in the water supply that the "normal antifa citizen" is completely bitch-made and there is no going back.
i normally dont sit through anything thats longer than 10 minutes, but imo this one was worth it.
It makes me think there is something to these paranoid theories about there being so much residual estrogen in the water supply that the "normal antifa citizen" is completely bitch-made and there is no going back.
They are too weak to survive and depend on governmental assistance, for some reason these morons think that in a communist system they won't have to work, they'll take any win they can. These type of people believe in zero sum game.
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