Well Beetlejuice it's a little too little, a little too late. The gangs don't need policy approved. I feel bad for all the CPD. First Juicy Smallette, then this turd for a Mayor, BLM, ANTIFAggots and now this shit.
Only thing I see happening is the police force at least doubling in size, patrols now done in squads and cops armed with long guns.
I wonder if a twenty-five year old Al Capone walked into Chitown right now, would he love it and take over, or say fuckit and go straight to Florida... lol
Meanwhile in Chicongo, Beetlejuice Lightfoot does NOT want to sit down and have tea with these kids
i always thought lightfoot looked more like a fish...
Wrong. You’re all wrong.

Even in his reduced mental capacity,
Biden could win the election. And there’s one reason for why that could happen: Immigration. The US population is now close to 60% white. Something like 80%+ of those non-white voters consistently vote Democrat.

Even if Drumpf wins in November, what happens in the next 5 or 6 Presidential elections? Between 2040 and 2050 the US is projected to become a majority minority country - whites will be less than 50% of the population.

As in all white countries, immigration is THE most important issue, bar none. Demographics are destiny. The Leftists understand this and it’s why they push so hard for open borders and unending immigration from the third world.
What a fucking retard. FatQuence doesnt seem to know that lots of whites vote socialist/progressive too. The three guys that were shot were all white. The crowd was 50/50
What a fucking retard. FatQuence doesnt seem to know that lots of whites vote socialist/progressive too. The three guys that were shot were all white. The crowd was 50/50
You’re clueless. Ethnically white Democrat voters haven’t grown in decades as a percentage of the overall electorate. Ilhan Omar didn’t get elected to Congress because large numbers of whites supported her; she won her seat because masses of Somalians were allowed to immigrate to St. Paul and then gain citizenship.

The same is true all over the country where radical leftists grab hold of power in local elections. They consistently play the race card to appeal to the sh*tskin immigrants. It’s why DemoRats go apoplectic whenever Trump tries to curtail immigration.
You’re clueless. Ethnically white Democrat voters haven’t grown in decades as a percentage of the overall electorate. Ilhan Omar didn’t get elected to Congress because large numbers of whites supported her; she won her seat because masses of Somalians were allowed to immigrate St. Paul and then gain citizenship.
The same is true all over the country where radical leftists grab hold of power in local elections. They consistently play the race card to appeal to the sh*tskin immigrants. It’s why DemoRats go apoplectic whenever Drumpf tries to curtail immigration.
You do realize that Cubans tend to vote Republican right? Also 2016-2020 has seen a growth in Black republicans because the older black generation tends to get sick of the younger generation’s shit as well as more blacks entering the middle class and entrepeneurship.
You do realize that Cubans tend to vote Republican right? Also 2016-2020 has seen a growth in Black republicans because the older black generation tends to get sick of the younger generation’s shit as well as more blacks entering the middle class and entrepeneurship.
You do realize that there hasn’t been a noticeable influx of Cuban immigrants since the 1980s when Castro emptied his jails and sent them to the US, right?

Also, the Republicans capturing 8% of the black vote instead of their traditional 5% isn’t much to crow about.
A violent low-IQ bootlipped negro gets goodified after flashing his gat during an attempted robbery.

Remember: negroes tend to have very low impulse control. This is why it’s so dangerous to be around them. You never know when their tiny brains will make yet another bad and lethal decision.

Flamethrower-Packing Antifa SoyBoi ‘Entered Fetal Position And Began Crying’ After Unsuccessful Escape From Cops


Matthew Banta of Neenah, WI - who is "known to be an Antifa member who incites violence in otherwise relatively peaceful protests," was one of four individuals walking towards a protest with baseball bats, according to ABC2.

A responding Green Bay officer says he saw four individuals walking towards a protest with baseball bats. One man was wearing a metal helmet with goggles and military-style gear with multiple pouches, and was carrying an Antifa flag. When the officer pulled his squad car in front of the group, they ran away. The officer caught Banta, who was carrying the flag, and says Banta “dropped into the fetal position and began crying.” He accused the officer of laying on him; the officer replied nobody was on him.

Banta claims he wasn't planning to incite a riot (with his flamethrower, smoke grenade and fireworks).

The three other individuals Banta was with were caught trying to break into a house. When officers apprehended them, they dropped what they were carrying, with one of them telling the police that they were simply bringing items for self-defense.

Last month, Banta was charged in Waupaca County with second-degree recklessly endangering safetyand four other charges for pointing a loaded gun at a police officer, and biting and kicking another.

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