I need to know if Disney is behind these riots

Maybe, and this is speculation, the Actor who plays Captain america is a big Cuck so she feels some sort of kinship confusing real oppression (fighting real Nazis) with fake oppression (not following police orders).
Maybe, and this is speculation, the Actor who plays Captain america is a big Cuck so she feels some sort of kinship confusing real oppression (fighting real Nazis) with fake oppression (not following police orders).
I mean, Captain America comics typically have him tackle political issues with physical violence and punching villains that represent the side the author isn't on sooooo
See, the thing I'm missing about all this is that the officer is still being investigated, has been fired, and in all likelihood will get a guilty because he went beyond his use of force continuum. Don't riots usually happen after a not guilty?
The new BLM/ANTIFAggot SOP is riot to demand charges, riot to demand conviction, then riot when officer is acquitted. (Mike Brown. ) It allows the stores time to restock for maximum lootage.

With the city's ME report and the video showing his knee was NOT pressing on Floyd's throat there's a good chance he'll skate. If not, most likely win on appeal.
What if Umbrella man is just a volunteer fire fighter who wanted to play hero? There's the best twist possible
What if Umbrella man really was a gender fluid CIA plant, tasked to instigate riots to further government control over the people without raising suspicions. The hero act is part of his/her/non-binary cover.
Some data about Minnesota (I’m an Independent):

Democrat governor.
Democrat AG
Democrat Secretary of State.
Democrat State Auditor.
Democrat Sr US Senator
Democrat Jr US Senator
Democrat Reps 5


Democrat Mayor
Democrat City Council
Democrat Police Chief

2016 General Elections - the state voted Democrat
Some lefty conspiracy that its da ebil white man doing all the looting and vandalism when all you gotta do is watch a stream and too see all the monkeys trying to break into atms
I mean, umbrella man himself was caught on camera, he was identified as a cop by the incredibly unbiased source, that cop's ex wife.
In all honesty it's probably just some guy who decided the protests were a good excuse to set something on fire. Or some stormfront LARPER who took things too far and ran like a bitch
Thing is though, he's only responsible for the Autozone fire
I mean, umbrella man himself was caught on camera, he was identified as a cop by the incredibly unbiased source, that cop's ex wife.
In all honesty it's probably just some guy who decided the protests were a good excuse to set something on fire. Or some stormfront LARPER who took things too far and ran like a bitch
Thing is though, he's only responsible for the Autozone fire

Where does he start any fires? I only see him breaking windows
I mean, umbrella man himself was caught on camera, he was identified as a cop by the incredibly unbiased source, that cop's ex wife.
In all honesty it's probably just some guy who decided the protests were a good excuse to set something on fire. Or some stormfront LARPER who took things too far and ran like a bitch
Thing is though, he's only responsible for the Autozone fire
This is literally in siege by james mason so i dont doubt some wn is doing this
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