You make my point for me. Why, as a western nation of mostly European heritage, do we need to constantly incarcerate, feed, clothe, and provide medical treatment for a violent and criminal ethnic group that's totally foreign to our ideals?

For once, think beyond politics. Understand the negro beast for what it is and what it isn't. Don't reward it with attributes that it does not have.
Because that is what our society is based on. Until you can change the US constitution to read, "Except them fucking niggers..." then the situation is what you have to deal with, which they are to be treated equally under the law.
And? Some of the most destructive groups were leftist political groups some strictly black like the Black Panther party, some mixed like Weather Underground and some entirely white like the Socialist of America.
Thats my point. The entire decade of the 70s was filled with regular terrorist attacks by american communist groups but you just blamed obama for it
No but they might stop thinking they'll be the next 50 cent or multi-million arm egg player and train and study for a profession in case the record they drop doesn't go platinum or get signed by the National Felon's League.
I like that you have optimism and believe in the human spirit, but your comment is almost pure unadulterated ignorance. You still believe that negroes aren't much different than white people....if only they can be brought into the light of reason.
Evidently you don't understand identity politics or social marxism and the damage it can do to a culture. I've always rallied against rap for perpetuating the black sterotype and having the same blacks wonder why they are looked at as less than. Asides it being utter shit. It wasn't the blacks who made rap mainstream, it was white suburban youth.

"People far poorer than them who come from countries where nothing is given for free .." Which is also true with blacks that come from other nations. Not all but many.

Show me exactly where I implicitly make "excuses" for the black thug. The problems with black crime is largely recidivism. You control that and guess what Floyd is not out causing trouble after he's released from a Texas prison for holding a woman hostage at gunpoint.

You want to strictly concentrate on race where I say the problem is far more complex than that.

Do yourself a favor and start cutting for Beiber because you just don't have what it takes to make it in this world.
Now I'm starting to see it when people say that boomers just don't get it. You can lay out mountains of evidence for them, but they'll desperately grasp onto the social conditioning they've received for many years from the RINOs and neo-cons. Everything is Left vs. Right with them. They simply cannot think outside the training they received from National Review, certain factions on Fox News, and the many others who scream "Don't look at race! NEVER look at race!!"
I like that you have optimism and believe in the human spirit, but your comment is almost pure unadulterated ignorance. You still believe that negroes aren't much different than white people....if only they can be brought into the light of reason.

Now I'm starting to see it when people say that boomers just don't get it. You can lay out mountains of evidence for them, but they'll desperately grasp onto the social conditioning they've received for many years from the RINOs and neo-cons. Everything is Left vs. Right with them. They simply cannot think outside the training they received from National Review, certain factions on Fox News, and the many others who scream "Don't look at race! NEVER look at race!!"
youre not an american. you're so obsessed with negroes, you're pretending to care about american politics *just so you can talk about negroes*
I'm not. I'm blaming Obama for allowing radical leftist groups to gain a foothold or even flourish in Merica who openly use riots to further their propaganda.
Ol' Purple Lips was just a blip in time. Much more harmful, possibly the most harmful thing that's ever happened in our nation's history, was the Hart-Cellar Act. It's also known as the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

That act is the reason why California turned from a red bastion to a blue stronghold and it's why the Demonrats currently hold a super-majority there. It's why Texas may go blue in the next 10 years and, if that happens, there will never be another Republican president.

Thats my point. The entire decade of the 70s was filled with regular terrorist attacks by american communist groups but you just blamed obama for it
They were dead bro. The black panther party was reinvigorated and resurrected as "The NEW Black Panther Party, All the black supremacy with half the armored car thefts," basically by Obama's election. Weather Underground is DEAD. They fucking blew themselves up.
They were dead bro. The black panther party was reinvigorated and resurrected as "The NEW Black Panther Party, All the black supremacy with half the armored car thefts," basically by Obama's election. Weather Underground is DEAD. They fucking blew themselves up.
Lol these groups dont die they just go underground. I think you'll find that the weather underground turned into the modern "D"SA

Sorry maybe it's my old eyes, but I don't see many of them ebil negras in this photo.
Lol these groups dont die they just go underground. I think you'll find that the weather underground turned into the modern "D"SA
They were essentially dead. Membership was tiny. They were just like the Klan. They were a joke, an oddity a criminal organization no one wanted to be a part of that. They've been mainstreamed and now it's all like, "hey communism is cool, burning cop cars is cool, stealing from corporations is good."
Because that is what our society is based on. Until you can change the US constitution to read, "Except them fucking niggers..." then the situation is what you have to deal with, which they are to be treated equally under the law.
Nonsense. With the amount of immigration from non-white countries that has been allowed to enter the US, you will NEVER get enough of the states to agree on changing the Constitution.

But do you love your country? Are YOU willing to become a radical to save it? Do you think it's worth saving? Or are we to just watch the slow decline of the nation as it eventually is overrun with the muds and turns into a third world shithole?
They were a joke, an oddity a criminal organization no one wanted to be a part of that. They've been mainstreamed and now it's all like, "hey communism is cool, burning cop cars is cool, stealing from corporations is good."
My friend, they have multiple sitting members of Congress who use their platform to advocate for the destruction of the US
My friend, they have multiple sitting members of Congress who use their platform to advocate for the destruction of the US
True. Now they do. But it gave them a pause and they shifted tactics to go the Sein Finn route instead of using the IRA route. And congressmen and Senators weren't their only mode of attack. They pushed the NEA which is the biggest leftist union in the country and oversees the tone of education in the US. The reason why leftist ideas are seen as smart is directly due to them.
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