this map makes it pretty clear what the problem is and what the solution is

melbourne covid.PNG
100k for a food poisoning episode

Don't go to the ER unless you have medicare/aid or are dying or have a bone sticking out of yr skin lol. Go to an urgent care lol

It never ceases to amaze me how fucked up US healthcare is, and I´m not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination.

You people are being robbed. Literally.
It never ceases to amaze me how fucked up US healthcare is, and I´m not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination.

You people are being robbed. Literally.

You know how food is cheap at McDonalds? That's the equivalent of government ran healthcare.

It's much cheaper when you own everything and don't have to pay taxes on the building/property/land and money for payroll comes from the taxpayer.

That's not a defense of US healthcare either, it's a complicated issue.

Also just because a CT scan bills for $3k, insurances seldomly pay out the full price and frequently if the exam wasn't needed they'll refuse to pay and the hospital eats the cost in resources and labor.
The gubbermint ownership = lower cost is correct in a very limited aspect. The government could take the land with eminent domain, but they still have to pay the owner a fair market price. Abuses of this power are hushed secrets. See little pink house. However, the tax savings, is negligible and works against the gubbermint in the long run. While yes, there would savings due to no tax liability on the property, there will also be no collection of taxes due to government ownership. That loss over time is immensely greater than any total short term "tax savings."

If you need an example where the gubbermint "owns" vast amounts of real estate that doesn't produce tax revenue, you only need to look to Detroit. Properties that are being sold for $100 or less, some as little as $1, and are still being assessed at the pre-crash tax assessment. Which means your property which was purchased for $10 is still being assessed and taxed when it's value was $220K. The cost of running the gubbermint, including HC doesn't go down, however, the tax revenue demands will increase as the gubbermint is forced to deficit spend to cover costs of day to day operations.

I predict you're going to see the same predicament in the ANTIFAggot destroyed/attacked cities.

Government monopolies do not make things inherently cheaper. In some aspects your McDonalds' example may be true, for more common issues, childbirth, etc. -- the fries, BigMac items, because these procedures are pretty much standardized. However, the more individual situations, ie bypass, the costs will remain the same, due to the type of specialists needed, and in experimental or cutting edge treatments most likely will either be no longer be available due to the government mandated cap (which there there are in many government run systems) or excessively expensive. But with all things gubbermint, the higher demand services will be seen as an easy source of tax revenue and those procedures will increase in cost to cover the higher end procedures. Which is the exact same method the "evil" for profit insurance companies use. However, the gubbermint will not be hampered by competition and there will be no need to reign in prices because the population will simply have no other choice unless they can afford care OUTSIDE the system.

The Merican healthcare system is a convoluted mess of "accepted and limited markets" using state boundaries as a limit of each market. While one state has more people and theoretically would have lower costs due to the greater number of people paying into the system, these higher population states also have compounded the problem with offering healthcare to persons who do not pay into the system so any benefit is lost or in many cases does the exact opposite due to the unpaid cost spread out over the population. It is this all too common scenario which strains the HC system and the strain would be the same if the Gubbermint was the sole HC agency.

The simple fact is government monopolies reduce the quality of the service or product because there is no option for the overwhelming masses. The very rich and powerful would not be hampered by this system because they can afford to pay for the best care. You would create a two tiered system as many socialized systems have done. Which is why many wealthy and powerful people from socialist countries travel to other nations for procedures.
You know how food is cheap at McDonalds? That's the equivalent of government ran healthcare.

It's much cheaper when you own everything and don't have to pay taxes on the building/property/land and money for payroll comes from the taxpayer.

That's not a defense of US healthcare either, it's a complicated issue.

Also just because a CT scan bills for $3k, insurances seldomly pay out the full price and frequently if the exam wasn't needed they'll refuse to pay and the hospital eats the cost in resources and labor.

Yeah, our healthcare system isn´t run by the government tho.
It is true that a part of the facilities are public property, as in "not-for profit", but just as many are private companies that do turn over a surplus.
The same is true for the insurance companies.
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