Dreamybull memes

I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.

I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.

I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
I hope so. Unfortunately, blacks are said to be notorious animal abusers. Our fellow forum member Susan, who has a long history of volunteering as a dog rescuer in the Atlanta area, has said that negroes treat their pets horribly, and that they're overrepresented in the cases that she's handled. There's a thread about this subject on VNN with lots of news articles about negroes raping and killing various animals.
The jew is an expert at creating mock opposition.

These people are all screened and selected the same way movie actors are, that's because they're essentially the same thing. And we've been trained to use the jew-approved words to describe them which keeps us from seeing their real purpose. We call them actors, politicians, pundits, commentators, celebrities, athletes, musicians etc.
When in fact they're all one gigantic group of jew-tools whose ultimate purpose is to keep us from seeing the jew.

In the tool selection process, the jew is careful to pick only those people with serious character weaknesses. Easily extorted. Easily bought. They look for charismatic sociopaths with the ability to shamelessly lie. In the case of sports athletes, they really don't care about the tool's ability to lie, but only their ability to attract those most loathsome of the lemmings, the sports fan. Then the jew will slip in filth at the halftime show and commercials.

The mock opposition is akin to the red herring. A diversion. A squid spewing ink. Anything to keep critical eyes off the jew.

So many Whites are derailed in their journey to becoming truly racially aware by this trick of the jew.

With great skepticism, cynicism and a 'guilty until proven innocent' attitude is the way to cut through the jew's bullshit and see it for what it is.
In an essay reprinted in the May 27, 1996, issue of the New York Times Ari Shavit, an Israeli columnist, reflected on the Israeli slaughter of more than a hundred Lebanese civilians the month before: “We killed them out of a certain naive hubris. Believing with absolute certitude that now, with the White House, the Senate, and much of the American media in our hands, the lives of others do not count as much as our own….” This Israeli simply confirmed what many Americans already knew and had known for decades, which is that the Jewish/Israeli lobby — not Jesuits, Occultists, Satanists or shape-shifting Reptilians — control the White House, Congress and the Senate, like a marionette. Well-known political commentator, and former presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan, once declared, “Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory.” Former US congressman Paul Findley documented the reality of Buchanan’s statement in a book called, “They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s .... British MP, Tom Dalyell, echoed these sentiments when he proclaimed, “A Jewish cabal have taken over the government in the United States and formed an unholy alliance with fundamentalist Christians.”

Former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has come out and blamed the pro-Israel Lobby in America (AIPAC, ADL, AJC, ZOA, etc) .... While in congress McKinney refused to sign the pro-Israel pledge and took a pro-Palestinian stance. Because of this, McKinney said “war was declared” on her by the Jewish lobby who eventually ousted her from Congress by funding and supporting her political opponents. In 2009 she told an interviewer that “more than 99% of Congress work for Pro Zionist Israeli interests.” Former US congressman, Jim Trafficant, was also targeted and then destroyed by the Jewish lobby for not being a groveling pro-Israel stooge, and for helping out a falsely accused “Nazi war criminal” named John Demjanjuk who the Jews attempted to crucify for “war crimes” that never happened. (See: Collins, Michael Piper. Target Trafficant. American Free Press, 2005) After serving a seven year prison sentence on trumped-up corruption charges, he fearlessly came out swinging stating in a television interview that,

“…Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They [the Jews] control both members of the House, and the Senate. They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars. And if you open your mouth, you get targeted. And if they don’t beat you at the poll, they’ll put you in prison [...] They’re controlling much of our foreign policy. They’re influencing much of our domestic policy. Wolfowitz as undersecretary of defense manipulated President Bush number two back into Iraq. They’ve pushed definitely, definitely to try to get Bush before he left to move into Iran. We’re conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress. They own the Congress.”
More here: http://zioncrimefactory.com/jew-world-order/
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot.


For over 50 years the jew media paraded this filthy fat KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the TV news as an authoritative expert on everything.
And now we find out he was stalking and fucking young boys for many decades.
We wonder how many lemmings still respect and admire that loathsome swine? Probably close to as many lemmings who still adore the nigger pedophile, Michael Jackson.

As long as the majority of White people believe jewish lies.....our people will be slaves to the jew.
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