Enemy of the Lulz going after our hosting...

Below you'll see a complaint sent to our host provider labeling the wiki as a "pro-nazi" website.

Don't know who did it, but it's a butthurt faggot to be sure.

We have backups and were planning to migrate to another server.

We have a few options, don't worry. However they may be a break in service as we navigate these issues.


weeuzs christ

Old Skool
the whole meaning of the site is to hate everything and talk mad shit lmao.

if we support nazis its more because we respect their symbolic hatred.

im pretty sure we all think neo nazis are ass blasting faggots.
They don't understand satire or humor.

To them, humor is some facebook meme about cats.

Fuck'em. The show goes on, we already have a new home.
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Well TBF, aeidiot is pretty much right now, trying to fix the wiki...so it's not likely we will be taken down anyways.


Man I lost track of the drama around here. AEdiot isn't around no more?
the site was down for a month we find out hes handing it over to one of his "dark web" friends that no one knows and wasnt going to tell anyone because he felt it would hurt his chances of getting donations for the "lawsuit", he tried getting wil involved in some identity theft conspiracy opening lines of credit in the names of people he doesnt like and just an over all sneaky jew who couldnt keep the site up more than a week


+size butt model
EDF2 Survivor
So the ugly fat jew is out? That didn´t take long.


+size butt model
EDF2 Survivor
Yeah that worked well the first time it was tried.

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