European News

French Leftists riot & attack people after votes don’t go their way​

Oh look, the retarded Leftists are throwing yet another tantrum in another country because not enough people are buying into their insanity.

Typical rightoid logic.
The system is rigged (unless we win) and everyone else is cheating.
If they win they immediately start rigging the system to their advantage.
Gets upset when opponents legitimately collaborate despite nobody forcing the voters to vote against the right.
Ballot harvesting is an entirely leftist tactic, Sir Ignoramus.
Ballot harvesting is an entirely different thing, that also hardly ever features in European elections because as a rule voting is made extremely convenient for people.
Making it hard to vote is an entirely rightoid tactic common in third world shitholes.
Ballot harvesting is an entirely different thing, that also hardly ever features in European elections because as a rule voting is made extremely convenient for people.
Making it hard to vote is an entirely rightoid tactic common in third world shitholes.
Wrong. Being able to produce ID to prove that you’re eligible to vote is the most basic form of maintaining election integrity. That in no way makes it difficult to vote.

The reason the Leftists are able to engage in so much ballot harvesting is because the US has an enormous non-white population that is happy to trade their unmarked ballots in exchange for KFC gift cards and bottles of grape drank.
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