We shouldn't judge Musk too harshly. IMO he's a White man going through the painful process of becoming racially aware. The fact he dares to challenge the ADL is significant.

The jew is doing all in it's power to keep him in their corral. The jew has taken away his wife and turned one of his kids into a transgender. The jew's pressure on Musk is enormous. They simply can't allow for a rogue free thinking White genius. The jew always targets White productive influencers. They especially are aware of the danger to them if Musk leaves the corral they've got him in.

Can we imagine a racially aware Musk?

Yes, Musk must be criticized when we see him kowtow to the jew's agenda. However, it is incumbent upon us to enlighten him and bring him back to his racial roots. This will be a process that'll take some time.
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