I honestly hate america

Everyone hates america, the system is so neo liberal it dosent work for anyone except millionares and maybe jews. Also human sacrifice is covered up in America and there are organized satanic pedophile cults connected to the Jewnited States of America government (hand of death, process church).
that's not true dude i know a lot of brown people want to immigrate to america
America in general sucks big black cocks
Notice how the kikes and their stupid goy allies always use white faces to promote things that are bad for whites. Asperger Greta is just the most recent example. They're always using confused and brainwashed whites to push homosexuality and racial mixing.

(((They))) know if they used a coal black negro girl to push climate change propaganda it would probably turn whites off to it. Race matters, even to idiot white leftists, although they deny this.

For example on the televitz a nigger male is always with a highly desirable white female with the subtext being that the attractive white woman rejected white men to be with the black savage who of course is depicted as intelligent, articulate and successful instead of dumb, crass, impulsive and violent as in real life.

There's nothing stopping (((TV and movie studios))) from showing a black male with an overweight and ugly white female, but they don't because they want our best genetic female stock marrying out to genetically impoverish whites and ultimately destroy our gene pool.
America in general sucks big black cocks
IMHO I FUCK KIDSoish physicists might have their filthy little paws in the buildup of North Korea's arsenal. They certainly control the money supply of most of the world. And, where there's lots of shekels, there's nukes. The Untied Nations nuclear arm for inspection is a damnable lie, IMHO.

I can't recall how much weapons grade plutonium is missing, nor how many assembled nuclear devices are also missing.




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