I honestly hate america

IMHO I FUCK KIDSoish physicists might have their filthy little paws in the buildup of North Korea's arsenal. They certainly control the money supply of most of the world. And, where there's lots of shekels, there's nukes. The Untied Nations nuclear arm for inspection is a damnable lie, IMHO.

I can't recall how much weapons grade plutonium is missing, nor how many assembled nuclear devices are also missing.




Hey! Kill yourself faggot!
America in general sucks big black cocks
What foolish, foolish notions. Stupid people deserve whatever happens to them. I feel bad for the little girl, the one that will pay for the motherfuckings mental deficiencies. There is a moonbat up here that adopted 2 niglet " children" from somewhere in Africa. They say proudly that they homeschool, but that's not the whole story. 2 schools so far have removed these animals for fighting, biting and stealing from the other children. I really hope they move before someone in the future puts holes in them for breaking and entering...
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