I wanna be rich

legit question, why's everyone want to be white? especially white males?

white men are greatly discriminated against in the US and most western nations. we have a constitutional amendment that openly promotes companies to not hire us, the entire HR industry exists to enforce it. universities are defying federal and scotus court orders in order to keep us out. many brown-skinned people and even an entire race of shit-stained goblins are all trying to claim being white.

if you want the easy life, be brown. government hands out free food, money, and housing just for being a lazy nigger. muslims and jews get special 'loans' that they may or may not pay back. non-whites have a lot of gov and NGOs throwing around billions in VC. seriously, if you want to get rich the easy way then be a nigger.
I should steal money from people to satisfy my greed
Most are aware of the demise of the giant retailer, Sears.

However, most are unaware of the massive financial crater it caused in the state of Illinois. The ramifications of this failure are catastrophic and far reaching and clearly shows America is on the skids. A complex cluster fuck of variables are blamed, but if we investigate thoroughly we will see evidence of an infestation of yarmulke-wearing termites at all levels of this destruction of a once mighty business.

Retail Apocalypse - list of jew's excuses for what happened

Would you rather be a regular pidgeotto or a fucking shiny?!
not a fan of pokemon but i get your point. being that im non-hispanic white by all US standards, i wouldnt trade it in for anything... but, were i some shitskin with even a tenth of my current self awareness i'd try to exploit the system for everything it's worth (which many non-whites are doing, obviously). hmmm....
Are you stupid
I should steal money from people to satisfy my greed
Every single one of those cities were built by White men. And the jew destroyed them using biological weapons. Niggers are the jew's biological weapons.

The inner city ghettos of America are indistinguishable from the bombed-out cities that we've seen in photographs from the various wars of the 20th & 21st centuries.

Those cities on that list were once the apex of White civilization. The zenith of White technology. They represented untold man-hours of coordinated labor and cooperation to construct.

Many of them had large, safe and convenient residential housing sections that three, four or more generations of White families called their homes. Today, those grander houses in the once wealthier neighborhoods have all been carved-up into squalid rooming houses. Where once a proud and hard working White family resided, now is infested with brown troglodytes who tear down the finely hewn mahogany and priceless marble and then crudely replace it with cheap particle board garishly painted in the bright colors that appeal to the savage. Houses that were built to last 200 years or more, barely last one generation of nigger defilement before they're abandoned and set afire by drug addicted nigger squatters.

The jew then announces urban renewal to be funded at taxpayer expense and plows under the irreplaceable dwellings of our ancestors, and rebuilds again at taxpayer's expense, cheaply built townhouses that are given to niggers simply because they are niggers and Whites are so gullible to believe the jewish lies that they somehow owe the niggers a new house.

This pattern has been repeated in every single city listed. The jew has used the same tactics in each those cities to bring them down. The jew has a well-oiled machine of destruction consisting of millions of unwitting niggers.

This is how the jew's bulldozer worked:

Whites tried to defend their cities from the nigger onslaught. The ineffectual protests by the Whites were always overcome because the Whites would invariably focus their ire against the niggers, this resulted in the White folk being called racists by the jew's media and thus most were cowed into silence. No one dared stand up to the glaring lights and TV cameras of the jew media, and those who did, found that their protests were never shown on TV. The net effect was to leave Whites feeling powerless. So they ran away. It was called White flight. They were fleeing the deadly weapon used so cleverly against them by the jew.

This list of the most dangerous cities slaps White people in the face and yet most remain oblivious to how much has been stolen from them due to the jewish induced anesthesia brought about by booze, drugs, being overworked, having a dumbed-downed education, going to co-opted churches, media omission, distortion and lies and finally cowardice to face the truth.

Only when we recognize that it was the jew who has made our cities into the hell on earth that they are, then we'll be able to put a stop to these jewish crimes. Because once we realize that it's the jews hurting and killing us and that it's the jews using weapons of mass destruction called niggers to beat us into oblivion, then we can focus our wrath where it belongs. Squarely on the enemy, the filthy jew.
I should steal money from people to satisfy my greed
Naming the Jew and the Zionist occupation regime in Palestine (pseudo-state of Israel) is the canary in the coal mine. Any experienced & clever White Nationalist knows that all those who posture as White Nationalists and refuse to name the Jew and the Zionist occupation regime in Palestine are time-wasting useless idiots or controlled opposition paid to keep (((the genocide of the White race))) and (((the colonization of Palestine))) going for the sake of their (((genocidal wealthy bosses)))...
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