
A regular degenerate; lowest of the low
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Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
How do you fail am interview at Mcdonalds! They hire ppl with downsyndrome and felony charges?
Did you poop on the HR lady's desk?
You gotta explain bro.

Guess @bakais still making more money than you btw
they just asked when i'm available so i said "any time" and they asked what i prefer so i said i'm fine with anything and they said "idk i'll call/email if you fit"


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor


He will literally be violating federal and state law.
I will do as I fucking please.
I admire your knowledge and experience with firearms but backing the government is just laughable.
Snitching on a retarded Jewish young man who is also a cocksucking homosexual who works at a mcdonalds in florida seems pretty sad to me. Even if he has weed and a gun.
Wait what? Ben is in Florida?
im almost positive he failed it just so he could talk about it on here
This whole thread is Ben's attempt at trolling.. never had an inkling of working there lol


+size butt model
EDF2 Survivor
You're not familiar with the incredible levels of THC in "modern weed" then Mr Weed. There is a thing now called pot psychosis. From that Right wing school of non-sciency fucktards, Yale.

This ain't your momma's woodstock joint that helped make you son.

Yeah thats what we were told in the early 90s too.

Sadly, I´m still waiting for that uber killer dope strains we were promised. Kind of a letdown if you ask me.

Call Me Tim

Yeah thats what we were told in the early 90s too.

Sadly, I´m still waiting for that uber killer dope strains we were promised. Kind of a letdown if you ask me.
Doesn't Germany have THC limitation laws. I thought they modeled themselves after Amsterdam's limits.

Meanwhile in Merica you can get stuff like this.

Call Me Tim

I admire your knowledge and experience with firearms but backing the government is just laughable.

How about trying to prevent another one of these

Call Me Tim

Technically, pot is illegal in GER. So the THC limitation is 0.
Dude then come to America the Southern boarder is open. Learn this magic spanish phrase and you'll get that choice Merican welfare and some dank ass weed.

Le Tequila burracho bueno buritto bano por favor. And you're in. ID not required. Identify as "White Hispanic, Pro socialist.'
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