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EDF2 Survivor
and that wasn't the case.
They were having paying the computer shop purposefully look for CP.
Not discover.
that's incorrect. every technician, once certified, signs an "oath" that they will report any CP they find to the feds if they stumble upon it during any kind of work done to said device.


EDF2 Survivor
@dropdatwat the others laugh and mock, but im not going to this time. congrats on the job, even if it is just mcdonalds. just dont let "burger flipper" become your career choice, then i will mock you ruthlessly.

Call Me Tim

that's incorrect. every technician, once certified, signs an "oath" that they will report any CP they find to the feds if they stumble upon it during any kind of work done to said device.
I never heard of this oath. Citation needed.

The FBI was literally incentivizing it with a 200? dollar bounty for any CP found. Again that's different from this type of scenario: "Whoa what's this, a hidden file folder named, Kiddie-Fap-With-Me Street? I wonder what could be in here?" Paying technicians to "discover" CP and then get a warrant is no different than paying Brinks to "notice" if someone has set up an illegal pot grow in their house when installing a security system and then getting a warrant.

But the simple and legal work around is that any tech shop has the customer sign a waiver for anything that might be discovered. The shop buries it in the drop off agreement and boom, the techs can search to their delight.


Weren't you whining about the ATF too? Who do you think is going to enforce federal firearms violations? How about you mind your own business

Call Me Tim

either i remember wrong or comptia changed it. could be the former.

doesnt change the fact you're defending pedophilia and by extension child trafficking. or you could just watch those animus with branman, im sure he'd love the company.
I literally detailed how this could be done legally without interference with the FBI or having the FBI monetizing the search. I don't know what country you are from but in the US you have rights. You have a right to be secure from unlawful search. Which is what this is. In America you have the right to due process. Which this violates. The search is conducted, and then "paid for," and if anything is found on citizens NOT under surveillance, THEN a warrant is issued. That is not the way it works in America.

Ironically the largest CP collection by far is held by, wait for it, the very same FBI. The very same FBI runs or administers honey pot sites which specifically cater to kiddie diddlers. It would seem that would be counter intuitive. For if the FBI was serious about CP, they would run an internet version of "To Catch a Predator." Which they don't, they "track" the images to see where they are going, and of course when dealing with billions of images being sent and received you can easily get overwhelmed and lose track of not only the images, (and increase the amount of CP available) but lose track of the "budding" CP'ers.
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Call Me Tim

Weren't you whining about the ATF too? Who do you think is going to enforce federal firearms violations? How about you mind your own business
How about you stick to what you know which is not much.

How about making the chief law enforcement agency, the FBI enforce the violations. The ATF runs under the guise of being law enforcement but it's real purpose is to craft policy which actually carry the weight of FEDERAL LAW. These laws are not approved by any legislative body and are subject to change by any head of that agency. The ATF has a long history of conducting operations which directly maim or kill Americans which they are supposed to protect. Ruby Ridge, Waco, Fast and Furious are just three recent disasters. The ATF has a history of making absurd rule changes which 1 make no sense, 2 do not make anyone safer 3 add indefinite delays to the process and creating a defacto gun ban 4 give this useless agency the excuse to request more federal funds.

The current clown, David Chipman will not fucking play around if he is confirmed as head of the ATF. See previous posts about his backstory.

If you don't want to believe that here's a victory pic of him at Waco. Keep in mind he made up false testimony, helicopters being shot down, heavy anti-material weapons like 50 cals used, etc., to further justify the overreaction the ATF/FBI made under Reno at Waco. This faggot even lost his service weapon, (I'm pretty sure twice.)

With this turd in charge, and even if not, with the current administration do you think they will go light on a pot smoking manlet ginger faggot because he decided to lie on a federal firearm form? I am doing him a fucking favor. I am trying to keep the autist out of jail.


How about you stick to what you know which is not much.

How about making the chief law enforcement agency, the FBI enforce the violations. The ATF runs under the guise of being law enforcement but it's real purpose is to craft policy which actually carry the weight of FEDERAL LAW. These laws are not approved by any legislative body and are subject to change by any head of that agency. The ATF has a long history of conducting operations which directly maim or kill Americans which they are supposed to protect. Ruby Ridge, Waco, Fast and Furious are just three recent disasters. The ATF has a history of making absurd rule changes which 1 make no sense, 2 do not make anyone safer 3 add indefinite delays to the process and creating a defacto gun ban 4 give this useless agency the excuse to request more federal funds.

The current clown, David Chipman will not fucking play around if he is confirmed as head of the ATF. See previous posts about his backstory.

If you don't want to believe that here's a victory pic of him at Waco. Keep in mind he made up false testimony, helicopters being shot down, heavy anti-material weapons like 50 cals used, etc., to further justify the overreaction the ATF/FBI made under Reno at Waco. This faggot even lost his service weapon, (I'm pretty sure twice.)

With this turd in charge, and even if not, with the current administration do you think they will go light on a pot smoking manlet ginger faggot because he decided to lie on a federal firearm form? I am doing him a fucking favor. I am trying to keep the autist out of jail.
Can you just leave ben alone
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