Im seriously gonna destroy an American flag.


Would you rather live in America or live in your beloved Ching Chong Magic Anime Land where:

- perverts and assholes creeping on women, taking panty shots, groping and raping them is a humongous issue which I can see you realistically contributing to, yikes
- the people are known to rightfully be unaccepting to foreigners due to how they disregard the social customs and are generally jerks to the local Japanese population
- almost everyone else aside from insufferable wapanese femboys who just had to move speaks a language that, judging from how you act and your intelligence that you've shown on this very board, you'd be too lazy to learn more of beyond your favorite character's names. lol

If you actually moved to Japan I guarantee you, you'd probably get sick of the place after a few weeks. All foreigners see of the place is anime and its futuristic, vaporwave like city squares. That's all that's ever shown. In reality the place is China without as much censorship.

Still no uncensored pussies allowed, even for people of age.
Hey, maybe that's why Japanese people are so obsessed with panties. They're going for the next best thing. lol
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I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.
Would you rather live in America or live in your beloved Magic Anime Land where:

- perverts and assholes creeping on women, taking panty shots, groping and raping them is a humongous issue which I can see you realistically contributing to, yikes
- the people are known to rightfully be unaccepting to foreigners due to how they disregard the social customs and are generally jerks to the local Japanese population
- almost everyone else aside from insufferable wapanese femboys who just had to move speaks a language that, judging from how you act and your intelligence that you've shown on this very board, you'd be too lazy to learn more of beyond your favorite character's names. lol

If you actually moved to Japan I guarantee you, you'd probably get sick of the place after a few weeks. All foreigners see of the place is anime and its futuristic, vaporwave like city squares. That's all that's ever shown. In reality the place is China without as much censorship.
Japan, 70% of America is a shithole. Also no i wouldnt get sick of japan.


EDF2 Survivor
Would you rather live in America or live in your beloved Ching Chong Magic Anime Land where:

- perverts and assholes creeping on women, taking panty shots, groping and raping them is a humongous issue which I can see you realistically contributing to, yikes
- the people are known to rightfully be unaccepting to foreigners due to how they disregard the social customs and are generally jerks to the local Japanese population
- almost everyone else aside from insufferable wapanese femboys who just had to move speaks a language that, judging from how you act and your intelligence that you've shown on this very board, you'd be too lazy to learn more of beyond your favorite character's names. lol

If you actually moved to Japan I guarantee you, you'd probably get sick of the place after a few weeks. All foreigners see of the place is anime and its futuristic, vaporwave like city squares. That's all that's ever shown. In reality the place is China without as much censorship.

Still no uncensored pussies allowed, even for people of age.
Hey, maybe that's why Japanese people are so obsessed with panties. They're going for the next best thing. lol


Japan, 70% of America is a shithole. Also no i wouldnt get sick of japan.
That's what every person I've known who moves to Japan says.

Trust me, I've been in the states my whole life. Don't move to a country just because u think it's cool, you'll regret it.

Well, the average person with brains and a real life would. You probably wouldn't give a fuck about your life becoming shittier as a result of moving because OOOOOOH ANIME COOLLLLL. You also don't care about finance, politics or basically any topics aside from video games and Chink bands. Further proving my point.


I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.
That's what every person I've known who moves to Japan says.
Well I WOULD NEVER get sick of Japan, considering my hatred for 70% of america in general


Well I WOULD NEVER get sick of Japan, considering my hatred for 70% of america in general
Okay :3 Make sure to give me an update from the prison issued laptops (if your lard ass figures out how to bypass the filters) about how you got arrested for trying to molest a kid.

You would get sick of Japan.
The literal source I just stated: (stating again) Several friends over the years who fell prey to what you did. Most say that it wasn't worth it to move to their Magical Ching Chong Anime Land


I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.
Okay :3 Make sure to give me an update from the prison issued laptops (if your lard ass figures out how to bypass the filters) about how you got arrested for trying to molest a kid.
I wouldnt do anything weird with minors


I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.


That's what every person I've known who moves to Japan says.

Trust me, I've been in the states my whole life. Don't move to a country just because u think it's cool, you'll regret it.

Well, the average person with brains and a real life would. You probably wouldn't give a fuck about your life becoming shittier as a result of moving because OOOOOOH ANIME COOLLLLL. You also don't care about finance, politics or basically any topics aside from video games and Chink bands. Further proving my point.
man really needs the validation of epicly pwning someone on the interwebz right now


자지 (게이 아님)
EDF2 Survivor
I don't understand the purpose of these threads. I know that OP is mentally retarded, but I don't get why he makes time to start threads like this just to get humiliated and insulted at. You'd think it'd be better to join a subreddit for like-minded autists. I've been in this forum for a while, and he is the only person I'm genuinely repulsed by.

Would you rather live in America or live in your beloved Ching Chong Magic Anime Land where:

- perverts and assholes creeping on women, taking panty shots, groping and raping them is a humongous issue which I can see you realistically contributing to, yikes
- the people are known to rightfully be unaccepting to foreigners due to how they disregard the social customs and are generally jerks to the local Japanese population
- almost everyone else aside from insufferable wapanese femboys who just had to move speaks a language that, judging from how you act and your intelligence that you've shown on this very board, you'd be too lazy to learn more of beyond your favorite character's names. lol

If you actually moved to Japan I guarantee you, you'd probably get sick of the place after a few weeks. All foreigners see of the place is anime and its futuristic, vaporwave like city squares. That's all that's ever shown. In reality the place is China without as much censorship.

Still no uncensored pussies allowed, even for people of age.
Hey, maybe that's why Japanese people are so obsessed with panties. They're going for the next best thing. lol
I did actually move to Japan. Best decision I've ever made. My life here has been great and most foreigners I know are satisfied as well. This idea that Japan is hostile to foreigners is a myth. But unlike OP I have a real job and real responsibilities.

To say Japan is China without as much censorship is complete bullshit. Japan is objectively freer than many western countries although you wouldn't know that if the only knowledge about Japan you know comes from watching JAV.

As for OP, you want to be Korean? Start by loving America. Korea is easily the most pro-American country in the entire world. Korea's nickname for America is "Cheon-Jo-Guk", which translates into "heaven country". Koreans love America so much that calling someone anti-American is literally an insult. If you went to Korea, you'd be considered an asshole for hating on America.

Also if I ever see you in Japan, I will murder you. Not kidding one bit about that


I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.
suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure about that?
ur never getting the badge.
I don't understand the purpose of these threads. I know that OP is mentally retarded, but I don't get why he makes time to start threads like this just to get humiliated and insulted at. You'd think it'd be better to join a subreddit for like-minded autists. I've been in this forum for a while, and he is the only person I'm genuinely repulsed by.

I did actually move to Japan. Best decision I've ever made. My life here has been great and most foreigners I know are satisfied as well. This idea that Japan is hostile to foreigners is a myth. But unlike OP I have a real job and real responsibilities.

To say Japan is China without as much censorship is complete bullshit. Japan is objectively freer than many western countries although you wouldn't know that if the only knowledge about Japan you know comes from watching JAV.

As for OP, you want to be Korean? Start by loving America. Korea is easily the most pro-American country in the entire world. Korea's nickname for America is "Cheon-Jo-Guk", which translates into "heaven country". Koreans love America so much that calling someone anti-American is literally an insult. If you went to Korea, you'd be considered an asshole for hating on America.
Ive been into korean stuff since i was 11, an Japanese stuff since i was 8, from my point of view, japan and korea are better than most of america.
You already tried doing that but failed because your victim Didnt want your obese fatass
You should slit your wrist you emo failure
Just spend like 2000yen on the cheapest most brightly coloured garbage snacks, watch him inhale it in a second and go into a diabetic coma. Saves you the hassle of dealing with cops.
Im not even obese. Im nowhere near obese, retard.

Also, thats why youre on ignore, because youre a retard with down syndrome, you love cocks,and you have the iq of a door knob.
Also if I ever see you in Japan, I will murder you. Not kidding one bit about that
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