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EDF2 Survivor
Best collateral lulz so far were the hoards of sandniggers in GER congregating in front of synagogues, literally shouting "gas the jews", and not one of the politfags has the stones to publicly denounce that. The very same fags who otherwise cry about evil right-wingers being antisemites and racists.

The city of Hagen achieved double cuck status by first flying the Israel flag out of "solidarity", the taking it down out of fear of being zerg rushed by angry wops.

German leftytwitter very salty rn.
How many wars have these faggots had?
Like 5?
Eventually, both countries are just gonna get swallowed up by Egypt/Iran/Saudi Arabia.

Call Me Tim

How many wars have these faggots had?
Like 5?
Eventually, both countries are just gonna get swallowed up by Egypt/Iran/Saudi Arabia.
Muslims are terrible fighters. They're like people who want to be noticed by a gang they are trying to join. Once they're in, they don't do squat because bullets and shit.


Old Skool
I love that baby Palestinians are just expected by left wingers to have no consequences or responsibility to throwing rocks at Police officers from Al Aqsa and when they come to arrest them it is just supposed to be assumed that if you can run into the Mosque then Israel must say they dindu nuffins and give up on an arrest over like 21 Jew Cops who got their Jew Gold sniffing Noses mashed by rocks.

It is honestly a more racist depiction from the Left, as if a Palestinian is some kind of animal that just throws rocks and rockets when it's not happy.

Call Me Tim

I've just heard yesterday by a friend that there was a war going on between israel and palestine but didnt know nothing about it
Can I get a quick rundown
Jews stole land from Palestinians.
Palestinians are trying to steal it back.
But are finding out you can't steal from the world's greatest thieves.
So they think they can launch a bunch of symbolic cocks at Israel in efforts to show dominance.
Israel being a giant pussy takes all the cocks with a smile. And tops from the bottom.


Old Skool
Jews stole land from Palestinians.
Palestinians are trying to steal it back.
But are finding out you can't steal from the world's greatest thieves.
So they think they can launch a bunch of symbolic cocks at Israel in efforts to show dominance.
Israel being a giant pussy takes all the cocks with a smile. And tops from the bottom.
There hasn't been a ruling on the Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhoods yet but it's funny we were just arguing on property and how legitimate owners shouldn't be forced to deal higher tax rates because a bunch of squatters have problems but hey maybe you want to volunteer your house for them if you feel so strongly.

Call Me Tim

There hasn't been a ruling on the Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhoods yet but it's funny we were just arguing on property and how legitimate owners shouldn't be forced to deal higher tax rates because a bunch of squatters have problems but hey maybe you want to volunteer your house for them if you feel so strongly.
It was a joke occupier. Relax.
White House oddly quiet about the recent fighting. Guess the Biden admin doesnt want to further alienate their own party that's sympathetic to Palestinians just yet
They have been defending Israel each time asked by the press, but Trump has been taunting them through his pressers. This morning tho, Ted Cruz was sent as the official USA envoy to Israel for immediate strategic military aide, and just an hour ago the USA blocked the UN from calling for a cease fire.
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