One person, and his "ministry" I personally want to go "down in flames," is televangelist Jim Bakker, who I call Jimmie the Faker. This shithead stole millions of dollars from a "ministry" that was basically a Ponzu scheme, got caught paying off a hooker lots of "hush money," also from the "ministry," and spent 6 years of a 48 year sentence in a federal prison. One stipulation when somehow he cut a "sweetheart" deal with the feds was NEVER to have another xtian talk show.
Well, ol' Jimmie has been on a xtian channel, with a talk show, since around 2009!! One of the things he's been hawking is overpriced "emergency food." A bucket with 60 meals is all yours for a gift of 155 dollars to his "ministry". Want lots of "emergency food?" Ten thousand dollars will get you 120 buckets. BUT!!! For ten thousand dollars, he expects you to "feed others!!!" Yes, O faithful ones. Don't be selfish!!!! Feed your family...AND ENEMIES TOO!!!
Now, most regular readers of VNN know that I'm an old Deep South Christian. But I'm the exception rather than the rule since I hate Shitrael and (((the chosenites.))) AND I hate the bandits operating under the guise of xtianity!!! Jimmie says the ten thousand dollar supply is for churches which have large storage spaces. Now, I hope that the shit won't hit me fan any time soon. I just don't think there's enough solidarity with White People to make a good stand against their enemies. Hell, just look at how many pale people support communist causes!!! And I'm sure that they'd raid food banks, along with their pet NIGGERS if the SHTF!!!
If there's hope for the White Race it will come basically from the ranks of those who have not been brainwashed by liberals in universities. Those who have been turned into communists will be the enemy of True White People just as much as niggers, muds, dot heads, towel heads, and similar untermenschen. And, the pale people who are Shitrael loving xtians are to be counted as enemies also.
IF the SHTF, ALL who come at us with weapons and intent to kill us will be met with such force as necessary to neutralize the threat. That includes Shitrael loving xtians who might be in the communist camp.
Starr, Niggerbama is so full of shit I can smell him from here. I wanna puke when I hear him talking, and the media kikes presenting his shit in a serious way as if this jigaboo is some kind of statesman.
It's pretty clear that the media's modus operandi for the election is to feign disbelief and horror that Trump could be elected. I listened to NPR this morning (here in downtown Alanta) and they run a BBC news show early in the morning and probably air the same show later in the day. But this was the theme all morning as it was on WSB radio, another jewed operation.
So, clearly, the jewmedia have all agreed on this as their mode of assault.
They interviewed several young White girls--could have been jews-who were sobbing and crying so hard they could barely talk. They were just so aghast and upset at the mere thought of their country electing this savage they were almost inconsolable. I was so disgusted at these silly, young girls I wanted to reach through the radio and throttle them.
Obviously, the theme for the media is incredulity that our country is so crass, crude, sexist, racist, homophobic, islamophobic, ageist, misogynistic, and whatever else you can think of, that we could even consider nominating and electing this buffoon/heathen as our President.
And this is going to be the theme for as long as Trump holds office. My hatred, revulsion, and disgust for the fucking jews gets more solidified every day. Their unprofessional, scummy, shameful way they do their jobs needs to be stopped NOW.
We really do need to stop all taxpayer funding of the above shit at taxpayer funded NPR.