Literally lurking for years....

Finally decided to subject myself to moar direct abuse. I remember EDF2.? Electric Boogaloo remove kabob as when I began to lurk but have been a fan of the wiki for well over a decade. I am a phone-posting genuine boomer foggit probly older than any of you twits so do your worst ... I expect no less


how thick is your tinfoil hat?


I feel like i know all of the people here after reading everything you've all posted for the last three or four years and i apologize for the stalkerish weirdness surrounding that

this is what i always wonder about lurkers

like do you get the same attachment to the funny things that happen, even though you werent part of it
Yes, I suppose I do. I recall the last rounds with Oneidus as actually affecting my mood irl. I also have an affinity for several of the people who post here currently(nohomo), and although I am an ancient used -up dinosaur who has just about zero tech-savvyness, lol, idunno imma just stfu
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