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I guess with everything else that has been posted on this thread, I forgot to mention that the Shitrael loving televangelists not only have been crying about the goyim donating to the poor holohoaxcau$t victims in Shitrael, but are telling their sheeple to sacrifice some of their pleasures, like eating well, and donating the cost of some of their own family's money that they are using to buy food to feed their families and donating it to feed sub-Saharan afreekan apes!!!! Jim Bakker had an oh, so tearful segment on how Senegal is suffering oh so much since the poor apes don't have a good diet. Naturally ol Jimmie sells emergency food and for a gift of ten thousand dollars to his "ministry" you can get over 100 buckets of food to help feed the apes. You might want to use some of the food to help feed other untermenschen in need too. I guess that you might need some for yourself and your family, but first give it to the po apes.

I watch charlatans like Jimmie so I can report on how pale people are getting huge guilt trips put on them by assholes like Jimmie. Pale people seem to be losing their instincts to survive, in some cases, to sacrifice themselves for the apes, championed by (((the tribe))) and their shills.

It doesn't work on me. And, I hope that others who are VNNers or friends of ours will get the message out about subterfuge like this!!!!
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I tried to come here to VNN some time ago but I never got a confirmation. I was using an AOL account then a Yahoo account for email. I think, IMHO, that maybe those venues were censoring stuff.

I was in my teens when I first started reading the George Lincoln Rockwell material I could get my hands on. His death made me cry.

And please see below.

I was flamed on SF because I've basically disowned my biological daughter since I have undeniable proof that she was a beaner lover and am 99 percent sure that she went the mudshark nigger route also. In a rare burst of sanity she bore me a White grandson. I lost her in a divorce and was basically out of her life for 17 years. Her other DNA donor took her to Texas, against Florida law since I hadn't signed papers that she could be removed from the state. I did since I didn't want a costly court battle. I also did the same with my stepdaughter since I have undeniable proof that she went the nigger and beaner route. Again, a White step granddaughter for a burst of sanity.

I hate the same groups of spics, chinks, gooks, etc. And, I put actions into my words as above. I may have talked with my daughter three or four times since 2012 and the same with my stepdaughter.

They mean very little to me now. And, I don't care a damn bit if someone likes it or not.


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I'm convinced it'll take a catastrophic event to wake up the lemming. Like a nuclear war.
There's alot of chatter right now about North Korea and the little fat chink and his nukes. I would love it if somehow he managed to take out Los Angeles. Imagine all those kikes in Hollywood and Beverly Hills, the niggers in the surrounding ghettos and a boat load of wetbacks, gooks and self loathing Whites all vaporized at the same time. There I go daydreaming again.
BTW - Hunter was a great book. Wasn't it?
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The Jews' line is that they were scapegoated by Hitler and then 6 gorillion of them were gassed. It's called projection. But now it's whites that are being scapegoated. So, are we to believe that when the brown masses are a distinct majority, they will treat us with fairness and justice and thank us for handing them our civilization, technology, etc? Seriously?
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