Call Me Tim
EDF Hero
Pedophilia is now in the process of being downgraded from a mental illness. Just like homosexuality and transgenderism. Which is why the "woke" want to push the "normalcy" of this illness. Mental health is no longer living to society's standards, it's about catering to the ill individual to make that person feel as if nothing is wrong.Yeah, the problem is to understand pedophilia as a sickness that needs to be treated but society can't get that through its thick skull, so pedos are all in hiding going untreated until they snap.
I mean look at TCAP. We'd rather parade them around as monsters on TV than try and help them stay in control.
Look at the mass murders in Merica. Several were already in therapy. The Colorado Movie house killer even told his therapist about his fantasies in detail. If the mental health sector is not going to take on the mantle of protecting the public from people who can and most likely do harm, then prison is all we really have and we are back at square one -- why even have M.H.
TCAP was about ratings. If they really wanted to catch pedos, every PD would partner with MH and would have a similar system. However, if the PD does it is "entrapment." But, public exposure on TV presents the evidence to the public in full light and that excuse is not accepted. This is a thing where if the governments really wanted to they could easily control and nearly eliminate the problem to a statistical zero. But the governments are no longer about solving problems, they only want to LOOK as if they are solving problems.
However, with the lenient sentencing and the bizarre belief that "treatment" will curb someone's sexual desires and focus is truely bizarre. I mean what they propose is "effective" is the same line of reasoning and methods when they were treating homosexual behavior.