Jacob Grubstein, proprietor of American Loan Brokers, in Syosset New York was having a very bad day. Jacob, a Hasidic jew born in Washington Heights Manhattan to Rabbi Milton Grubstein and Sarah Lipschitz in 1967 was birthed with a pronounced hunchback and an enormous hooked nose. His delivery at the maturnity wing of Beth Israel Hospital was a difficult one as his freakishly large nose and spinal deformation made childbirth a 30 hour challenging ordeal for the doctors that required forceps, copious slathering of vaseline and a crowbar which resulted in compression of the front part of the skull causing irreparable damage to both frontal lobes of the brain. To say Jacob was slow growing up would be a fair assessment and reason why his parents kept him in the basement where he was malnourished, neglected and survived on eating bugs and rats that found their way into his locked and darken room. His beady small eyes, unusually close together, gave him an appearance that was hard to look at without feeling something sinister was going on in his head. Growing up in such solitude, ostracism from family and dire environmental conditions Jacob constructed a fantasy reality whereby he was God.
From Syosset, take Rt 135 south all the way to the South Shore and you'll end up in Seamans Neck Park. There 75 year old Hildi Smidt was walking her little white bichon, Cookie, along one of the mostly abandoned slips, when suddenly the dog began to pull on it's leash and start to yip uncontrollably. Hildi looked down toward the murky water and saw what appeared to be a thousand small crabs moving and roiling atop a small floating log. Then she saw the small human arm bob up from the jet black water from under this weird thing covered in moving crustaceans.
The police used a fishing net on a long aluminum pole to retrieve the mostly crab-eaten body of a small child from the polluted salt water that surrounds most of Long Island.
Two of the three cops on the scene became nauseated and started to dry heave as the decomposing body oozed foul smelling innards that dropped through the openings in the net and splattered gelatinous globs of unidentifiable material on the ground as the tiny crabs scurried back toward the water and slid down the bank back into the hell from whence they came.
It would take the coroner's forensic team two weeks to figure out exactly what they had.
Jacob had been mugged quite a few times in the past, but this last one was a doozy. Sneaking out of the synagogue at dusk, Jacob knew it was risky. It was the middle of the month and the feral niggers would be desparate having spent all their ho's welfare money by then. Of course that meant the chimps would be broke and a lame jew would be like finding a sick or young wart hog on the Serengeti to a starving lion or a pack of hungry jackals.
The coast looked clear, Jacob swallowed hard, a quick left-right glance and he hobbled as fast as he could across the parking lot toward the safety of his drab olive green 1990 4-door oldsmobile. Jacob was two feet from the car when the lights went out and he suddenly found himself on the ground getting stomped, punched, and his pockets being riffed through by frantic ape-like paws. He tried to protect his head with his arms but that vicious kick to the nuts made his arms reflexively go down and that's when the tire iron struck him across the jaw knocking out half his teeth. He could hear one of the niggers grunt out some ebonics about "this fuckin jew be a broke bitch.....Now he gonna pay for wastin my time being a broke bitch". That's when Jacob felt his shirt being ripped off his body and the shearing pain stabbing across his back. The nigger carved a large crude happy face deeply right on the middle of Jacob's hunch. A scar he would carry for the rest of his life, like a permanent mark from a branding iron as seen on a steer headed for the slaughter house.
After this particular vicious assault, Jacob knew there was only one thing that would quell the unbridled anger and rage that tore at the inner most core of his being......he would need to find a victim.
2:30am found Jacob covered in sweat and pulling up his zipper as he staggered down the 2nd floor hallway. He just consumated the Tulmud mandate of defiling Sarah, his 3 year old daughter. As prescribed, he made sure his penetration never went beyond his circumcision scar. After all, he was a good jew. He was proud of that fact. However, Jacob was never fully sated by this weekly ritual. Sarah was too compliant and she said those nasty things whispered in his ear that always took the mick out of his yiddy way too quick. "Behold the piglet grows too fast into a sow", he thought. "Can't wait till some sucker jewish boy takes her off my hands". He loathed her and hated his duty to break her in. He much preferred the tight little anus of young nigger boys.
In the bathroom, Jacob splashed cold water on his face, looked in the mirror at his bloodshot eyes and said to himself, "fuck it". Throwing on a shirt as he quickly went down the stairs, out the front door and into the night.
Zip ties and duct of the trade.
Just before daylight we see a shadowy figure slither between the two duplexes and enter one through the rear basement door. All of the houses in the neighborhood were built in the 1930s just before the war. Some have been smartly renovated and while others wore their age poorly. Jacob's house was of the latter variety with a decided shabbiness about it. The basement was dark as if the damp dank atmosphere sucked the life out of the light bulbs as they struggled to illuminate this dungeonesk cellar replete with abundant cobwebs and many dust covered old things haphazardly strewn about. Like a rat accustomed to dim dark places, Jacob stealthfully navigated his way through the obstacle course of clutter to a side door that needed a key to unlock. Once inside this small room no bigger than a closet, he turned on another dim light and reached into his pocket and pulled out the zip lock plastic bag. The inside of the bag was smeared with blood making its contents hard to discern. He held the bag up to the light and there he could see the boy's hacked-off small genitals within. This gave him an immediate erection that demanded attention. His desperate abuse took no longer than one minute, and when he was done he opened the zip lock bag and placed its contents into a large pickle jar containing formaldehyde and about a dozen other small scotum with their attached yet tiny mangled
es. Suddenly he was startled by a noise directly over his head. It was a creaking floorboard caused by his wife walking around upstairs in the kitchen. He quickly put the pickle jar on a shelf along with the many other pickle jars of his collection, left the room, locked the door and made his way up the basement stairs as he contrived a lie to tell his wife what he was doing down in the basement this time of the morning. Telling the lie was the easy part for him. Lying to him was as natural as swimming is to a fish. Effortless.
Jamillia Jackson was a 25 year old unrepentant crackhead. She had 14 of her children taken away by the state. All she had left was 7 year old Jamarcus Blot Jr. who she managed to keep by hiding him in the oven when DYFS was sent to investigate. Jamarcus, at that tender age, was well enabled to take care of himself out of necessity due to his motherfucking's frequent drug induced blackouts and unexplained disappearances for weeks at a time. It was during one his motherfucking's absences when Jamarcus went missing. He was last seen alive on surveillance camera at the 7-11 on Union Avenue at 3AM January 12th during a raging snowstorm. The clerk said he thought Jamarcus was a midget and totally unaware of his actual age when Jamarcus presented a phoney ID in order to purchase a pack of New Ports and 3 Black and Milds. Jamarcus could be seen walking out of the store on the survaillance video seemingly escorted by an odd looking man wearing a surgical mask and a tattered overcoat. They got into a nondescript older sedan with missing license plates and drove away disappearing into the heavy snowfall.
"Look what the cat dragged in!", exclaimed morbundly obese Tamiqua Williams upon seeing her cat, Fluffer-Nut, carrying something in it's mouth into her section-8 apartment at the end of Runyon Street.
Upon closer examination she was startled to realize the cat had clamped down upon the severed ass cheek of a young child.
There was money missing. A lot of money missing. Rubin Kline, the comptroller and resident accountant for the oldest synagogue on Long Island in Syosset proper, couldn't believe his eyes. Nearly 2 million of the temple's liquid assets had vanished. Loss prevention from Goldman Sachs was called in to do an audit and the police were called in and commenced interviewing those affiliated with the congregation. As with many of these financial descrepencies involving Jewish synagogues, the unnecessarily complex and convoluted financial dealings defied forensic audit reconciliation and would've cost more to resolve than practical. The police detectives for some odd reason put the case on the back burner. The rabbi Joel Schwartz filed a claim with their insurance carrier and was quickly cut a settlement check.
Now the temple had the funds to build the sorely needed annex. The heavy equipment was conveniently standing by and immediately commenced digging the large pit for the building's foundation. That's when backhoe operator noticed something in his bucket. Upon closer examination, he saw bones. Lots of little bones.
Jacob always felt filthy, shame and a deep sense of self loathing everytime he left Rudy's leather bar. But his compulsion to service the gloryholes was relentless. Sometimes he would perform marathon sessions lasting 24 hours or more. Always leaving by the back door and leaving his last customer purposely unfulfilled as defiance and denial of his own twisted lust for self degradation. The darkened anonymity of these foul ejaculatoriums was the only place Jacob could escape himself and allow his jewishness full expression. Sucking the life force out of men resonated with him and came quite naturally. Of course he hated those men and he felt comfortable hating while pretending to give pleasure. With every nut he coaxed he came closer to suicide, but always refrained because deep inside he knew he was a sniveling worthless swine and too chicken to end his madness.
When he got home, he explained to his wife the filth on his clothes was caused by the city's pollution and global warming. She knew he was always lying but she didn't care, because that gave her an excuse to let the nigger garbage man cornhole her and do unspeakable other things to her while Jacob was at work. Although Jacob secretly knew about her jungle fever due to her obviously chimp-stretched and prolapsed anus he didn't care, being a cuckold was the least of his problems. Somehow he knew that trail of dead kids would catch up to him.
If it wasn't enough Jacob was born a hideous hunchback, what brought his biggest shame was his club foot. The right leg was a full 8 inches shorter than the left and this forshortened leg's height was compensated by a prosthetic device called an orthopaedic corrector shoe. Resembling one of the black shoes wore by Boris Karloff's Frankenstein character, it was block-like in nature and weighed close to 25 pounds. As a child, Jacob found it pleasurable to crush new born kittens with this shoe. Sometimes trapping the poor animal under it and then slowly applying pressure until it's eyes popped out of it's head and rolled across the floor like marbles. He also took great delight in kicking other handicapped children, especially the non-verbal kids in his class who would be unable to tell on him. He often exaggerated difficulty walking in order to garner sympathy from adults. He came to understand this charade often changed the looks of disgust he normally received into looks of pity, and he enjoyed this manipulation of other's feelings. A talent he would eventually hone into an artform.
Jacob inherited his business from his father who in turn inherited it from his father. Usery seemed to be a genetic trait in his family down through the ages. Financially enslaving naive and gullible people was like shooting fish in a barrel. And today the bulk of his business was the hapless niggers who he called schvartze, which in Yiddish means filthy dumbass nigger. With interest rates so high as to virtually guarantee the chimps would never be able to pay off the loans. But when they came into his office he warmly greeted them with a toothy smile and a free can of grape soda. Yes, he knew his clientele and he was always willing to carry them for a month or two when they couldn't pay. So long as they'd bring their kids in and let them sit in his lap. Sometimes he'd actually ejaculate right there at his desk with the little jig-a-boos wiggling and fidgeting on his lap while their motherfuckings filled-out paperwork re-financing their loans for the umpteenth time on the other side of the desk. Jacob knew he was in competition for the nigger's money from the Chinese nail salons and the buck niggers who hung around these rachet women on welfare check day. So he always made it a point to see them first. Some of his clients have been with him for decades, he called those old ladies his 'cash cows', some of them paying back over 100 thousand dollars or more on an original loan of $500.
A sign on his office door said....'American Loan Brokers is your Best Friend'
The little Filipino boy didn't stand a chance. One minute he was there, the next minute he was gone.
It was a little after midnight when Jacob got to the synagogue. He parked around back and went in through the rear entrance reserved for the rabbis. He unlocked the door with the key he earned by his large and consistent donations to the Temple's Maimonides Absolution of Guilt Fund.
Being pitch black inside he had to use his phone's light to navigate through the rabbit warren of the many narrow hallways to finally reach the sub-basement stairwell. Three long fights downward on the old iron steps gave an eerie echo with each step. Of course Jacob's club foot sounded like a blacksmith's hammer hitting an anvil as he went down and that scared the nervous mange-ridden rodents back into their holes.
Proceeding deeper into the bowels of the of this dismal place, more narrow corridors sloped downward as the temperature dropped and one's breath vapor could been seen. Moving forward the muffled sound of singing became increasingly louder with each step. Then coming upon an old wooden door that looked like it belonged in a medieval castle dungeon. Three knocks on the door and it opened and a flood of blue light and loud blaring of men hollering nava gila came pouring out. Jacob's eyes focused upon the spectacle before him.
There he saw thirteen naked children tied to chairs with duct tape over their eyes and mouths. And circumambulating around these bound children were dozens of hasidics naked from the waist down, sporting various shapes and sizes of erections that flopped around violently as they danced and spun consumed in some sort of weird religious ecstasy. Off to the left he could see a man in a doctor's white coat wearing a surgical mask preparing hypnotic doses of fentanyl into syringes that he then injected each child one after the other.
The music and singing became louder and louder as Jacob found himself spinning and dancing around the children with the rest of the men and with his pants down by his ankles. He felt himself being carried aloft by a building and sustained transcendental orgasm. He cried, "take me into your warm bosom, Father Satan!"
Besides sadistically ending the lives of little children as a religious sacrament, Jacob also came from an ancient tribe that worshipped feces. Shit has all the attributes of ying of the yang, and the latter being everything wholesome and nourishing, the opposite, being turds....A foul smelling waste product periodically squirted out of an ugly orifice is usually done in private for most of humanity. However for the jew, this biological function is more gratifying than sex. While they try to hide this foul preoccupation from the rest of the world, when alone behind closed doors with their own kind, what they do is nothing short of horrific. Their Catskill comics built an entire industry using thinly vailed humor to disguise a systematic and morbid love of the byproduct of their filthy anuses. Put bluntly, jews have sex with shit. The women dry out their phallic shaped turds to be used as sex toys, and the men use diarrhea as lube for their masturbation. We could go on here, but for the sake of decorum we will refrain from going any further.
Jacob, in moments of reflection, sometimes wondered why his people always seemed at odds with the rest of the people of the earth. He would immediately always try to put these speculative thoughts out of his mind, and that's when the dark thoughts of conniving, scheming and thieving would wash over him and bring clarity to his sole purpose for being alive.
Jacob hated transgendered people. Even though the Tribe had taken a position to promote those freaks, and in public, Jacob made sure to let everyone see him waving his little rainbow flag. Nevertheless, Jacob received great pleasure stalking non-binary, green-haired, metal-pierced, squat, mostly obese members of the LGBTQ community and ambushing them and then hacking at their crotches with a dull rusty cleaver. There was something in the way how they squealed like little school girls when he tied them up and commenced to chopping away that thrilled Jacob. The more pitiful they sounded and the more they pleaded only made his chopping more frantic. Sometimes he got so carried away all that could be seen afterwards was what appeared to be a large pile of ground chuck with a tuft of green hair sticking out the top.
Then Jacob always made it a point to plant evidence White Supremacists committed the crime. "Such a clever jew am I", he thought, as he snickered and removed the butt plug from his ass and placed in the car's glovebox, ready for the next victim. Oh yes, he firmly believed in the Talmudic recommendation of inserting an oversized butt plug when on the prowl according to the rabbinical kabbalist's yaz. Everything sanctified and according to the law was his motto.
Jacob got the shock of his life the morning of Wednesday January 21st of last year. Arriving at the temple at 9:45am he was surprised to find the front door slightly ajar. Being naturally paranoid he cautiously entered the building. He was met with stony silence and he instinctively knew this was odd because jews are not a quiet race, especially when in a group where endless loud arguments about the most ridiculous minutia are the norm. But now the temple was as silent as a tomb. Carefully going from room to room and finding them all devoid of people. However, Jacob noticed Rabbi Stern's attache case was open and laying on the floor with paperwork strewn about in the outer vestibule of the sanctorium sidebar. But no sign of the rabbi. He walked down the west corridor toward the business office and found the office door locked. He tried his passkey and the door unlocked with a loud mechanical clang. He slowly opened the door and peeked in. When his eyes focused his brain didn't register what he was seeing. There piled-up five high in the middle of the room were the headless, armless and legless torsos of his fellow jews. Up against the far wall neatly laid out were the heads and limbs. All of the heads has their mouths wide open with their severed
es shoved down the throats with the scrotoms hanging out and resting on their chins.
Jacob, horrified, staggered backwards, spun around and ran out of the building.
The detectives were able to piece together the crime scene and determined this butchery was the MO and handiwork of Venezuelan narco cartel members who were released from Venezuelan prisons, and who had crossed the border illegally.
The police chief, Tooky Runt Jr., made a statement on Eyewitness Channel-7 evening news, "His department would leave no stone unturned in order to bring these dangerous criminals to justice".
Thus far, no arrests have been made.
For some inexplicable reason Jacob felt very good waking up on that fateful day. His usual morning fog was gone and he was looking forward to stopping by the Dunkin Donuts for a cup of coffee and a bucket of munchkins to bring to the office. He got his order, thanked the clerk and walked out the door. Standing between Jacob and his car was a crazed, wild-haired, filthy, schizophrenic homeless guy. The menacing man yelled in a loud grovelling voice, "Give me a fuckin donut!" Jacob, fumbled and grabbed a handful of munchkins and held them out for the man. The man slapped the munchkins out of Jacob's hand and they scattered all over the ground. The man had a terrifying fierce look on his face and his bloodshot eyes bulged as he gave a sustained and hateful glare at Jacob. Jacob knew he was in trouble and started to inch his way backwards toward the Dunkin Donut's door. He turned around and started to pull the door open, and that's when the maniac punched Jacob full force in the back of the head. The punch was so powerful it knocked Jacob's face into the door breaking his nose into an explosion of blood and making him see tweety birds. Staggering and dazed Jacob started to yell, "HELP" in a pitiful sounding voice that seemed to really set-off the guy. He leaped at Jacob and dug his filthy fingernails into Jacob's face, ripping and tearing away at the flesh and gouging Jacob's eyes out. Jacob slumped to the ground. Then the out of control man grabbed Jacob by his orthopedic shoe, ripped it off Jacob's leg and began to viciously beat him with it.
Covered in sweat, Jacob jerked-up from this bed and gave out a blood curdling scream. His wife slapped him real hard and said, "will you shut up! You're dreaming you idiot!"
For months after the 'synagogue incident' Jacob would find himself dwelling upon the pile of bloody torsos....with this memory burned deeply into his mind he'd always feel himself begin to slowly inflate and tingle and he'd be forced to sneak off to a bathroom or any other private place to relieve the pressure. This activity became so frequent he was actually spending more time hammering himself than anything else. The friction burns on his pecker developed into thicker and thicker callouses that required more and more rough and vigorous stroking to obtain the desired relief. The muscularity difference between his arms became as pronounced as the difference between Arnold's Schwarzenegger's and PeeWee Herman's arms adding to his already freakish appearance. Spending so much time devoted to beating his meat, his business began to fail, bills piled up and the creditor's badgering phone calls became relentless. Ever present thoughts of suicide were actually more dominant than ever, but being the weak and pitiful jew he was, he was too chicken to do the right thing. So his brain would default to the normal jew propensity of devising schemes to rob people. And that's when he came upon his brilliant idea!
From Syosset, take Rt 135 south all the way to the South Shore and you'll end up in Seamans Neck Park. There 75 year old Hildi Smidt was walking her little white bichon, Cookie, along one of the mostly abandoned slips, when suddenly the dog began to pull on it's leash and start to yip uncontrollably. Hildi looked down toward the murky water and saw what appeared to be a thousand small crabs moving and roiling atop a small floating log. Then she saw the small human arm bob up from the jet black water from under this weird thing covered in moving crustaceans.
The police used a fishing net on a long aluminum pole to retrieve the mostly crab-eaten body of a small child from the polluted salt water that surrounds most of Long Island.
Two of the three cops on the scene became nauseated and started to dry heave as the decomposing body oozed foul smelling innards that dropped through the openings in the net and splattered gelatinous globs of unidentifiable material on the ground as the tiny crabs scurried back toward the water and slid down the bank back into the hell from whence they came.
It would take the coroner's forensic team two weeks to figure out exactly what they had.
Jacob had been mugged quite a few times in the past, but this last one was a doozy. Sneaking out of the synagogue at dusk, Jacob knew it was risky. It was the middle of the month and the feral niggers would be desparate having spent all their ho's welfare money by then. Of course that meant the chimps would be broke and a lame jew would be like finding a sick or young wart hog on the Serengeti to a starving lion or a pack of hungry jackals.
The coast looked clear, Jacob swallowed hard, a quick left-right glance and he hobbled as fast as he could across the parking lot toward the safety of his drab olive green 1990 4-door oldsmobile. Jacob was two feet from the car when the lights went out and he suddenly found himself on the ground getting stomped, punched, and his pockets being riffed through by frantic ape-like paws. He tried to protect his head with his arms but that vicious kick to the nuts made his arms reflexively go down and that's when the tire iron struck him across the jaw knocking out half his teeth. He could hear one of the niggers grunt out some ebonics about "this fuckin jew be a broke bitch.....Now he gonna pay for wastin my time being a broke bitch". That's when Jacob felt his shirt being ripped off his body and the shearing pain stabbing across his back. The nigger carved a large crude happy face deeply right on the middle of Jacob's hunch. A scar he would carry for the rest of his life, like a permanent mark from a branding iron as seen on a steer headed for the slaughter house.
After this particular vicious assault, Jacob knew there was only one thing that would quell the unbridled anger and rage that tore at the inner most core of his being......he would need to find a victim.
2:30am found Jacob covered in sweat and pulling up his zipper as he staggered down the 2nd floor hallway. He just consumated the Tulmud mandate of defiling Sarah, his 3 year old daughter. As prescribed, he made sure his penetration never went beyond his circumcision scar. After all, he was a good jew. He was proud of that fact. However, Jacob was never fully sated by this weekly ritual. Sarah was too compliant and she said those nasty things whispered in his ear that always took the mick out of his yiddy way too quick. "Behold the piglet grows too fast into a sow", he thought. "Can't wait till some sucker jewish boy takes her off my hands". He loathed her and hated his duty to break her in. He much preferred the tight little anus of young nigger boys.
In the bathroom, Jacob splashed cold water on his face, looked in the mirror at his bloodshot eyes and said to himself, "fuck it". Throwing on a shirt as he quickly went down the stairs, out the front door and into the night.
Zip ties and duct of the trade.
Just before daylight we see a shadowy figure slither between the two duplexes and enter one through the rear basement door. All of the houses in the neighborhood were built in the 1930s just before the war. Some have been smartly renovated and while others wore their age poorly. Jacob's house was of the latter variety with a decided shabbiness about it. The basement was dark as if the damp dank atmosphere sucked the life out of the light bulbs as they struggled to illuminate this dungeonesk cellar replete with abundant cobwebs and many dust covered old things haphazardly strewn about. Like a rat accustomed to dim dark places, Jacob stealthfully navigated his way through the obstacle course of clutter to a side door that needed a key to unlock. Once inside this small room no bigger than a closet, he turned on another dim light and reached into his pocket and pulled out the zip lock plastic bag. The inside of the bag was smeared with blood making its contents hard to discern. He held the bag up to the light and there he could see the boy's hacked-off small genitals within. This gave him an immediate erection that demanded attention. His desperate abuse took no longer than one minute, and when he was done he opened the zip lock bag and placed its contents into a large pickle jar containing formaldehyde and about a dozen other small scotum with their attached yet tiny mangled

Jamillia Jackson was a 25 year old unrepentant crackhead. She had 14 of her children taken away by the state. All she had left was 7 year old Jamarcus Blot Jr. who she managed to keep by hiding him in the oven when DYFS was sent to investigate. Jamarcus, at that tender age, was well enabled to take care of himself out of necessity due to his motherfucking's frequent drug induced blackouts and unexplained disappearances for weeks at a time. It was during one his motherfucking's absences when Jamarcus went missing. He was last seen alive on surveillance camera at the 7-11 on Union Avenue at 3AM January 12th during a raging snowstorm. The clerk said he thought Jamarcus was a midget and totally unaware of his actual age when Jamarcus presented a phoney ID in order to purchase a pack of New Ports and 3 Black and Milds. Jamarcus could be seen walking out of the store on the survaillance video seemingly escorted by an odd looking man wearing a surgical mask and a tattered overcoat. They got into a nondescript older sedan with missing license plates and drove away disappearing into the heavy snowfall.
"Look what the cat dragged in!", exclaimed morbundly obese Tamiqua Williams upon seeing her cat, Fluffer-Nut, carrying something in it's mouth into her section-8 apartment at the end of Runyon Street.
Upon closer examination she was startled to realize the cat had clamped down upon the severed ass cheek of a young child.
There was money missing. A lot of money missing. Rubin Kline, the comptroller and resident accountant for the oldest synagogue on Long Island in Syosset proper, couldn't believe his eyes. Nearly 2 million of the temple's liquid assets had vanished. Loss prevention from Goldman Sachs was called in to do an audit and the police were called in and commenced interviewing those affiliated with the congregation. As with many of these financial descrepencies involving Jewish synagogues, the unnecessarily complex and convoluted financial dealings defied forensic audit reconciliation and would've cost more to resolve than practical. The police detectives for some odd reason put the case on the back burner. The rabbi Joel Schwartz filed a claim with their insurance carrier and was quickly cut a settlement check.
Now the temple had the funds to build the sorely needed annex. The heavy equipment was conveniently standing by and immediately commenced digging the large pit for the building's foundation. That's when backhoe operator noticed something in his bucket. Upon closer examination, he saw bones. Lots of little bones.
Jacob always felt filthy, shame and a deep sense of self loathing everytime he left Rudy's leather bar. But his compulsion to service the gloryholes was relentless. Sometimes he would perform marathon sessions lasting 24 hours or more. Always leaving by the back door and leaving his last customer purposely unfulfilled as defiance and denial of his own twisted lust for self degradation. The darkened anonymity of these foul ejaculatoriums was the only place Jacob could escape himself and allow his jewishness full expression. Sucking the life force out of men resonated with him and came quite naturally. Of course he hated those men and he felt comfortable hating while pretending to give pleasure. With every nut he coaxed he came closer to suicide, but always refrained because deep inside he knew he was a sniveling worthless swine and too chicken to end his madness.
When he got home, he explained to his wife the filth on his clothes was caused by the city's pollution and global warming. She knew he was always lying but she didn't care, because that gave her an excuse to let the nigger garbage man cornhole her and do unspeakable other things to her while Jacob was at work. Although Jacob secretly knew about her jungle fever due to her obviously chimp-stretched and prolapsed anus he didn't care, being a cuckold was the least of his problems. Somehow he knew that trail of dead kids would catch up to him.
If it wasn't enough Jacob was born a hideous hunchback, what brought his biggest shame was his club foot. The right leg was a full 8 inches shorter than the left and this forshortened leg's height was compensated by a prosthetic device called an orthopaedic corrector shoe. Resembling one of the black shoes wore by Boris Karloff's Frankenstein character, it was block-like in nature and weighed close to 25 pounds. As a child, Jacob found it pleasurable to crush new born kittens with this shoe. Sometimes trapping the poor animal under it and then slowly applying pressure until it's eyes popped out of it's head and rolled across the floor like marbles. He also took great delight in kicking other handicapped children, especially the non-verbal kids in his class who would be unable to tell on him. He often exaggerated difficulty walking in order to garner sympathy from adults. He came to understand this charade often changed the looks of disgust he normally received into looks of pity, and he enjoyed this manipulation of other's feelings. A talent he would eventually hone into an artform.
Jacob inherited his business from his father who in turn inherited it from his father. Usery seemed to be a genetic trait in his family down through the ages. Financially enslaving naive and gullible people was like shooting fish in a barrel. And today the bulk of his business was the hapless niggers who he called schvartze, which in Yiddish means filthy dumbass nigger. With interest rates so high as to virtually guarantee the chimps would never be able to pay off the loans. But when they came into his office he warmly greeted them with a toothy smile and a free can of grape soda. Yes, he knew his clientele and he was always willing to carry them for a month or two when they couldn't pay. So long as they'd bring their kids in and let them sit in his lap. Sometimes he'd actually ejaculate right there at his desk with the little jig-a-boos wiggling and fidgeting on his lap while their motherfuckings filled-out paperwork re-financing their loans for the umpteenth time on the other side of the desk. Jacob knew he was in competition for the nigger's money from the Chinese nail salons and the buck niggers who hung around these rachet women on welfare check day. So he always made it a point to see them first. Some of his clients have been with him for decades, he called those old ladies his 'cash cows', some of them paying back over 100 thousand dollars or more on an original loan of $500.
A sign on his office door said....'American Loan Brokers is your Best Friend'
The little Filipino boy didn't stand a chance. One minute he was there, the next minute he was gone.
It was a little after midnight when Jacob got to the synagogue. He parked around back and went in through the rear entrance reserved for the rabbis. He unlocked the door with the key he earned by his large and consistent donations to the Temple's Maimonides Absolution of Guilt Fund.
Being pitch black inside he had to use his phone's light to navigate through the rabbit warren of the many narrow hallways to finally reach the sub-basement stairwell. Three long fights downward on the old iron steps gave an eerie echo with each step. Of course Jacob's club foot sounded like a blacksmith's hammer hitting an anvil as he went down and that scared the nervous mange-ridden rodents back into their holes.
Proceeding deeper into the bowels of the of this dismal place, more narrow corridors sloped downward as the temperature dropped and one's breath vapor could been seen. Moving forward the muffled sound of singing became increasingly louder with each step. Then coming upon an old wooden door that looked like it belonged in a medieval castle dungeon. Three knocks on the door and it opened and a flood of blue light and loud blaring of men hollering nava gila came pouring out. Jacob's eyes focused upon the spectacle before him.
There he saw thirteen naked children tied to chairs with duct tape over their eyes and mouths. And circumambulating around these bound children were dozens of hasidics naked from the waist down, sporting various shapes and sizes of erections that flopped around violently as they danced and spun consumed in some sort of weird religious ecstasy. Off to the left he could see a man in a doctor's white coat wearing a surgical mask preparing hypnotic doses of fentanyl into syringes that he then injected each child one after the other.
The music and singing became louder and louder as Jacob found himself spinning and dancing around the children with the rest of the men and with his pants down by his ankles. He felt himself being carried aloft by a building and sustained transcendental orgasm. He cried, "take me into your warm bosom, Father Satan!"
Besides sadistically ending the lives of little children as a religious sacrament, Jacob also came from an ancient tribe that worshipped feces. Shit has all the attributes of ying of the yang, and the latter being everything wholesome and nourishing, the opposite, being turds....A foul smelling waste product periodically squirted out of an ugly orifice is usually done in private for most of humanity. However for the jew, this biological function is more gratifying than sex. While they try to hide this foul preoccupation from the rest of the world, when alone behind closed doors with their own kind, what they do is nothing short of horrific. Their Catskill comics built an entire industry using thinly vailed humor to disguise a systematic and morbid love of the byproduct of their filthy anuses. Put bluntly, jews have sex with shit. The women dry out their phallic shaped turds to be used as sex toys, and the men use diarrhea as lube for their masturbation. We could go on here, but for the sake of decorum we will refrain from going any further.
Jacob, in moments of reflection, sometimes wondered why his people always seemed at odds with the rest of the people of the earth. He would immediately always try to put these speculative thoughts out of his mind, and that's when the dark thoughts of conniving, scheming and thieving would wash over him and bring clarity to his sole purpose for being alive.
Jacob hated transgendered people. Even though the Tribe had taken a position to promote those freaks, and in public, Jacob made sure to let everyone see him waving his little rainbow flag. Nevertheless, Jacob received great pleasure stalking non-binary, green-haired, metal-pierced, squat, mostly obese members of the LGBTQ community and ambushing them and then hacking at their crotches with a dull rusty cleaver. There was something in the way how they squealed like little school girls when he tied them up and commenced to chopping away that thrilled Jacob. The more pitiful they sounded and the more they pleaded only made his chopping more frantic. Sometimes he got so carried away all that could be seen afterwards was what appeared to be a large pile of ground chuck with a tuft of green hair sticking out the top.
Then Jacob always made it a point to plant evidence White Supremacists committed the crime. "Such a clever jew am I", he thought, as he snickered and removed the butt plug from his ass and placed in the car's glovebox, ready for the next victim. Oh yes, he firmly believed in the Talmudic recommendation of inserting an oversized butt plug when on the prowl according to the rabbinical kabbalist's yaz. Everything sanctified and according to the law was his motto.
Jacob got the shock of his life the morning of Wednesday January 21st of last year. Arriving at the temple at 9:45am he was surprised to find the front door slightly ajar. Being naturally paranoid he cautiously entered the building. He was met with stony silence and he instinctively knew this was odd because jews are not a quiet race, especially when in a group where endless loud arguments about the most ridiculous minutia are the norm. But now the temple was as silent as a tomb. Carefully going from room to room and finding them all devoid of people. However, Jacob noticed Rabbi Stern's attache case was open and laying on the floor with paperwork strewn about in the outer vestibule of the sanctorium sidebar. But no sign of the rabbi. He walked down the west corridor toward the business office and found the office door locked. He tried his passkey and the door unlocked with a loud mechanical clang. He slowly opened the door and peeked in. When his eyes focused his brain didn't register what he was seeing. There piled-up five high in the middle of the room were the headless, armless and legless torsos of his fellow jews. Up against the far wall neatly laid out were the heads and limbs. All of the heads has their mouths wide open with their severed

Jacob, horrified, staggered backwards, spun around and ran out of the building.
The detectives were able to piece together the crime scene and determined this butchery was the MO and handiwork of Venezuelan narco cartel members who were released from Venezuelan prisons, and who had crossed the border illegally.
The police chief, Tooky Runt Jr., made a statement on Eyewitness Channel-7 evening news, "His department would leave no stone unturned in order to bring these dangerous criminals to justice".
Thus far, no arrests have been made.
For some inexplicable reason Jacob felt very good waking up on that fateful day. His usual morning fog was gone and he was looking forward to stopping by the Dunkin Donuts for a cup of coffee and a bucket of munchkins to bring to the office. He got his order, thanked the clerk and walked out the door. Standing between Jacob and his car was a crazed, wild-haired, filthy, schizophrenic homeless guy. The menacing man yelled in a loud grovelling voice, "Give me a fuckin donut!" Jacob, fumbled and grabbed a handful of munchkins and held them out for the man. The man slapped the munchkins out of Jacob's hand and they scattered all over the ground. The man had a terrifying fierce look on his face and his bloodshot eyes bulged as he gave a sustained and hateful glare at Jacob. Jacob knew he was in trouble and started to inch his way backwards toward the Dunkin Donut's door. He turned around and started to pull the door open, and that's when the maniac punched Jacob full force in the back of the head. The punch was so powerful it knocked Jacob's face into the door breaking his nose into an explosion of blood and making him see tweety birds. Staggering and dazed Jacob started to yell, "HELP" in a pitiful sounding voice that seemed to really set-off the guy. He leaped at Jacob and dug his filthy fingernails into Jacob's face, ripping and tearing away at the flesh and gouging Jacob's eyes out. Jacob slumped to the ground. Then the out of control man grabbed Jacob by his orthopedic shoe, ripped it off Jacob's leg and began to viciously beat him with it.
Covered in sweat, Jacob jerked-up from this bed and gave out a blood curdling scream. His wife slapped him real hard and said, "will you shut up! You're dreaming you idiot!"
For months after the 'synagogue incident' Jacob would find himself dwelling upon the pile of bloody torsos....with this memory burned deeply into his mind he'd always feel himself begin to slowly inflate and tingle and he'd be forced to sneak off to a bathroom or any other private place to relieve the pressure. This activity became so frequent he was actually spending more time hammering himself than anything else. The friction burns on his pecker developed into thicker and thicker callouses that required more and more rough and vigorous stroking to obtain the desired relief. The muscularity difference between his arms became as pronounced as the difference between Arnold's Schwarzenegger's and PeeWee Herman's arms adding to his already freakish appearance. Spending so much time devoted to beating his meat, his business began to fail, bills piled up and the creditor's badgering phone calls became relentless. Ever present thoughts of suicide were actually more dominant than ever, but being the weak and pitiful jew he was, he was too chicken to do the right thing. So his brain would default to the normal jew propensity of devising schemes to rob people. And that's when he came upon his brilliant idea!